Merck Layoffs Coming to Januvia Sales Force

The end is very near and what a glorious time it will be multitudes of delislinger gone. My returns will increase Dramatically at your expense, hurray!!!!

When the merck reps lose their jobs I will party like never before. They and the company suck ass so bad you can taste it. And they know it too but still get up and play make-believe every day. Well, for a couple of hours anyway. Eat shit

When the merck reps lose their jobs I will party like never before. They and the company suck ass so bad you can taste it. And they know it too but still get up and play make-believe every day. Well, for a couple of hours anyway. Eat shit
Why are you angry with all the reps who played with your significant other. You should be mad at 10 or 12 of them tops. Not all of them. :)

No such nonsense. Educated people will always be in demand. Perhaps a course, tweaking of a career, etc. Layoffs may shake people into some type of work they actually enjoy after this. Plus the economy and real jobs are here. Exxon is investing 20 BILLION into the Gulf Coast Region. People can move, enjoy a new life, they have more options than ever before.