Merck layoff announcement

Yes! You are an idiot if you stay in pharma. For those who stay in stop whining about your stressful life because you choose to stay on the titanic!


The warning sirens have been blaring for years!

The longer you hold on...the longer it is going to take you to find a "real" sales job.

Out of pharma...pharma "sales" is NOT viewed as sales!

Hogwash, still too many. New technology and Drs have NO time or tolerance for reps. They can order samples of an App and google what they need to know.

It's a dying profession

Wrong. CDs just don't have any tolerance for PFIZER reps cuz you're all idiots. Docs don't have time to google anything which is why they need us, but since the have to see 19 patients an hour now to pay for obamacare it may be harder to spend time with a rep.

Yeh great, you're part of the problem old man. It's your old school mentality and attitude that has killed our industry, and your big fat pensions and healthcare pkg that will screw PFE. Thanks.

HAHA!! That's funny.
Take a look at management salaries and immediate as well as deferred benefits.
But don't worry, you won't be soaking up any of that tremendous "retirement" wealth yourself.

Yeh great, you're part of the problem old man. It's your old school mentality and attitude that has killed our industry, and your big fat pensions and healthcare pkg that will screw PFE. Thanks.

No dimwit, its the new school mentality of younger idioits who rose in the ranks before they were out of diapers that are running the show and our industry out of business.

Don't worry, PC will have a new drug to sell in 2014. That should save some in the ranks, but I bet known of you young smart terds even know about it. From another old man who knows a thing or two about the biz.

Wrong. CDs just don't have any tolerance for PFIZER reps cuz you're all idiots. Docs don't have time to google anything which is why they need us, but since the have to see 19 patients an hour now to pay for obamacare it may be harder to spend time with a rep.

We did this to ourselves. We did this to the whole freakin' INDUSTRY! Stop blaming Obamacare or Docs or Ian. This mess was created by Steere, and helped along by McKinnell and Kindler. Ask anyone in leadership still left from the early 1990s. Except for Goober.

We did this to ourselves. We did this to the whole freakin' INDUSTRY! Stop blaming Obamacare or Docs or Ian. This mess was created by Steere, and helped along by McKinnell and Kindler. Ask anyone in leadership still left from the early 1990s. Except for Goober.

They expanded versus cutting. Either way, cuts needed to be made.

Pharma helped write Obamacare. Obamacare will help pharma. Pharma is now a democrat crony of Obama.

We did this to ourselves. We did this to the whole freakin' INDUSTRY! Stop blaming Obamacare or Docs or Ian. This mess was created by Steere, and helped along by McKinnell and Kindler. Ask anyone in leadership still left from the early 1990s. Except for Goober.

Ah, yes - Bill Steere, the man who hand-picked Hank McKinnell and Jeff Kindler over much better candidates. If anyone is responsible for the Pfizer train wreck of the last 10 years including the laying off of 100,000 people and the truly horrendous Pfizer culture it's Bill Steere. Too bad he'll never be held accountable.....

Retirees don't have much of a healthcare package.

Current retirees have a much better healthcare package that we will get! Republicans are now intent on balancing the budget by reducing medicare and social security for future retirees. Since we all vote Republican every time I guess this screwing will be what we deserve. Think of it as natural selection...........

Current retirees have a much better healthcare package that we will get! Republicans are now intent on balancing the budget by reducing medicare and social security for future retirees. Since we all vote Republican every time I guess this screwing will be what we deserve. Think of it as natural selection...........

Start saving today dumbass!!!!! Don't count on SS being a sig. source of income. Means testing and reduced % increases will allow this program to survive.

You tell me how we can continue to pay all these entitlements? How can MC continue to pay out more than it takes in? Increase taxes? How can SS pay all it's promises? Don't talk about the surplus SS has. In order to tap into that surplus the Govt. will need to come up with the money. We spent every dime on bullshit projects, give away's and foreign policy. What should we do, Increase taxes?

The more you increase taxes, the less I'll be able to save for my retirement, kid's education, and donations to worthy charities. When I can't save for retirement, should I expect the govt. to support me? When my kids have a poorly funded 529, should I expect the govt. to pay for them?

Can't you see things can't continue on this path? Changes MUST be made. Let's call it shared sacrifice...Beginning tomorrow you need to plan for your future. If you don't...think of your demise as natural selection...

I personally talked to Chuck Hill and he sited the number of 6000 reps in the US. All the posts are right...this is headed for smaller and smaller. With all the pressure and PFE jumping to the left. It is hard to see anything but a shrinking work force.