Anyone worried about contract ending? Many signs its coming to a close.
Anyone worried about contract ending? Many signs its coming to a close.
Not worried even a little bit. More signs pointing the opposite way. But, we have to earn it. I am down with that! How about you stop worrying and start selling? Maybe that will help. K?
I'm getting tired of people responding to others questions and/or concerns with the "shut up, stop complaining, go out and sell B.S." The board is for open dialogue and hopefully to keep each other abreast as to what is going on in different parts of the country. There have been a few signs lately (not huge, but might be significant) that may point to something that is just not right.
1. Fewer samples of key products.
2. Not as much communications about contract as before.
3. Hiring freeze of open positions.
4. Merck having a realignment in December.
5. No info on the new product.
I love this contract and I'm doing quite well, so I hope that it continues for a long time. However, nothing is promised and would be nice to be able to keep each other enlightened, without be attacked for posting a concern!
Good people can argue about what this board is for. I can understand why someone would be annoyed by a title "Merck contract ending". It isn't constructive. As for samples, this is an issue on both sides and it's extremely frustrating for us, but not a sign, just a strategic call on their part, which forces us to make tough decisions. For communication, we just had a meeting, and plenty of conference calls, and the focus is on getting the job done. Hiring freeze is totally incorrect, since we just got a new DM in Long Island. Merck is none of my business. New product is subordinate to what we need to do right now, and maybe even dependent on it. In other words, we have to sell. If you do that, and I do that, and everyone else does that, I think we'll be fine. Honestly, what we do every day makes all the difference. Speculation makes no difference, except to make us less optimistic and therefore less effective. If you love this contract, which I believe you do, do your part to make it successful. Also, pick up the phone and call your DM. They don't bite!
I appreciate your response to my first post and you do have some valid points. Worrying about if the contact is ending may be a bit too premature. That is why I stated these points may not be a huge concern. However, I have been on another contract and it was pulled early and as I looked back, there were subtle changes that occurred that we did not pay attention too. To address calling my DM, that is where I received the information about the hiring freeze. We have two positions open in our territory and my manager stated that it was hiring freeze until next year. Maybe the new DM made the cut off. As for now I will continue to do my part to keep this contract going.
AZ & Publicis related posts related to Merck both have the same person(s) posting A##hole, shut up etc. It's obvious they are a rent a rep for Nexium. They anger to voice their thoughts because they have shortcomings.
I appreciate your response to my first post and you do have some valid points. Worrying about if the contact is ending may be a bit too premature. That is why I stated these points may not be a huge concern. However, I have been on another contract and it was pulled early and as I looked back, there were subtle changes that occurred that we did not pay attention too. To address calling my DM, that is where I received the information about the hiring freeze. We have two positions open in our territory and my manager stated that it was hiring freeze until next year. Maybe the new DM made the cut off. As for now I will continue to do my part to keep this contract going.
Good people can argue about what this board is for. I can understand why someone would be annoyed by a title "Merck contract ending". It isn't constructive. As for samples, this is an issue on both sides and it's extremely frustrating for us, but not a sign, just a strategic call on their part, which forces us to make tough decisions. For communication, we just had a meeting, and plenty of conference calls, and the focus is on getting the job done. Hiring freeze is totally incorrect, since we just got a new DM in Long Island. Merck is none of my business. New product is subordinate to what we need to do right now, and maybe even dependent on it. In other words, we have to sell. If you do that, and I do that, and everyone else does that, I think we'll be fine. Honestly, what we do every day makes all the difference. Speculation makes no difference, except to make us less optimistic and therefore less effective. If you love this contract, which I believe you do, do your part to make it successful. Also, pick up the phone and call your DM. They don't bite!
Is it the hot one.My DM does bite!!!!
We were suppose to be trained on ipads and that fell through. Full time reps are now carrying all our products while we lose one. Contracts end anytime the company wants them to. Anyone who has worked on a contract should know this. Just enjoy the ride while it lasts.