Mentor is Toast. J&J killed 'em.

Such a bummer-they hired great reps to take them into the hospitals and the future...and then the gut the company? This is going to help sales? No, no it won't. It will hurt sales. Greatly. Shame; great products, great people and dominant...until J&J quickly destroyed them.

Some of these comments are pretty true... layoffs of 75, yes. JNJ screwing with culture, yes. Big companies move in the wrong direction from time to time, yes (JNJ now twice with Evolence and now the facial team here). I would agree with all of you that so far JNJ has not made very good decisions in the facial arena. Clearly it would be smarter to have a co-marketing agreement with Medicis or another blockbuster HA... but those decisions were not made.

The problems with these posts are that they are all short sighted. Maybe Mentor will get sold off, maybe not... but it is doubtful. But if one had any sense, they would of known not too flood the market with reps in a time like this, but clearly someone was drinking a bit too much at a board meeting when they made the colossal mistake of hiring a bunch of reps that had no actual market moving power with lackluster products to push.
Allergan is a good company, but unfortunately for them... their culture also produces average reps at best. They have the follow up skills of an attention deficit disorder child.

All the companies seem to look alike lately with the amount of unwanted government influence and lack of free enterprise thinking. It would nice to be able to run a for-profit company with a mentality of taking market share back, but we shall see what happens.

For now, this is still a great place to work... with a ton of great people. The excellent reps that left the company were replaced by mostly excellent reps. You tend to get some crappy hires, but it happens to everyone. Our competition is flooded with people that should have been laid off many moons ago. There will be another turn over soon, but I do not think it will be lay offs, but take offs. Think long term, cream always rises to the top.

This place has become a joke. The J&J acquisition destroyed great culture, injected big pharma mentality into a niche business, put hand-cuffs on sales and brought in new management whose primary skill set is finding their next J&J job.

Market share is plummeting, Luedtke built a marketing empire that has done NOTHING, his right-hand man...oops, woman, has finally bailed after destroying 2 groups and receiving 15ish complaints to HR.

Run away. Nobody is making any money anymore.

All you have to do is look at J and J's track record in the Aesthetic market. They hired an entire sales force for Evolence (away from good solid jobs) and cut them all loose a year later. They blamed lack of sales when the reality is they put NO money behind trying to market that product. Same with Mentor Their market share has fallen almost 15 points under the guidance of J&J and their lack of support. They should be ashamed of them selves

Yes Mentor is dead. The field is afraid of the NSM because J&J will announce more changes and screw up the company even more than it already has. SB is a bully and will be marching around the meeting looking for respect. Reps are looking to jump ship, but can't seem to find a life boat.

Yes Mentor is dead. The field is afraid of the NSM because J&J will announce more changes and screw up the company even more than it already has. SB is a bully and will be marching around the meeting looking for respect. Reps are looking to jump ship, but can't seem to find a life boat.

This will be the greatest meeting ever. Any changes announced benefit the entire company.

ha-"greatest meeting ever." NSM is going to be a bunch of people making light of the situation while actually very nervous about their future. WITH roommates at the hotel btw. ha, like summer camp for children. How many people made plan this year? 4? How many solid reps/rtm's/mktg people were given walking papers?

A once-proud Santa Barbara company now circling the drain under the hand of J&J and stockholder fear.

Run and run hard! I left a fabulous job to come over to the "future of Mentor" only to be told a week ago I no longer had a job unless I wanted to pack up my family and move across the company on my dime, oh and be there in one month. Icing on the cake: I am pregnant with high risk twins and had to have emergency surgery less than one week prior to this revolation by the genius power considered to be upper managment. Good luck working for an ethical nightmare!

I don't know...I am looking for the best company to work for and a alot of people say Allergan but I am hearing rumblings that Mentor is getting a new Human Collagen injectable. I think this would blow the lid off the filler market and make Mentor a big player again needing more Reps.
This would also mean Sientra would NOT get position #2 by walking over the dead back of Mentor.

I don't know...I am looking for the best company to work for and a alot of people say Allergan but I am hearing rumblings that Mentor is getting a new Human Collagen injectable. I think this would blow the lid off the filler market and make Mentor a big player again needing more Reps.
This would also mean Sientra would NOT get position #2 by walking over the dead back of Mentor.

Which market are we talking about? Sientra is just plugging away in the implant market and are still catering to board certified plastic surgeons. They have their niche and I see them sticking with it. Plus Mentor just lost a 27 million dollar lawsuit against Sientra and they didn't look good doing it at all.

I think we are indeed toast. Kept believing things would get better. Where do we go from here? For real- let's look at the future: no R&D. Pulled Purtox, which we were told J&J was standing behind. We've got to spin our 10 year data and hope our customers but it. We tried to sell to Valeant, but they went w AGN at 50 times the price. And our leadership has no plan other than to drop price. It isn't sustainable.

Lets take a look at JNJ across all divisions: Orthopedics - Synthes & Depuy. Certainly lawsuits going on there. Ethicon/Acclarent. I just read their board here & it's insane the amount of issues/concerns everyone has there. I would agree the plastic surgery side of the business has the same problems. I think the bigger problem is JNJ corporate & they just don't know how to run a business day in & day out. They're more concerned w/ appeasing the investors on Wall Street!!!