Mentor is being packaged for sale


Mentor leadership has successfully reduced the breast implant business into a small package ready for sale.

All legal cases are closed, i.e. the last one was a nice lost for Mentor, attempting to accuse Sientra’s of taking the sale force. When in reality the J&J leadership was so bad, no one wants to stay. These were high-end sales reps looking for a way out.

David Wilson is comical with his slow talk and pontification bull crap. I think a cartoon should be developed and published next to Dilbert. I want to jump up and finish his sentence whenever he speaks. He talks so slow, to prevent him from saying much and showing that he really is just another J&J unqualified executive.

Mentor has most recently eliminated all internal R&D, showing their hand once again. Valeant does not believe in R&D and it is clear this was terms of the sale. J&J has also started the textbook process of pulling out all the talent they want to keep moving them to positions that can be transferred back into the J&J old boys club. They can have them!

Although the idea of sell is speculative at this time, everyone should agree that the removal of all R&D from the breast pipeline and the replacement of the J&J chosen ones is signs of ultimate change for Mentor, if not it doom. J&J is stubborn and has been know to keep business until they are not viable any more. Maybe for those that are Mentor loyal, that will not be the case. The customers will be hurt the most. If i was a doctor, i would switch to Allergan to ensure a quality product.

Good luck Mentor, you are going to need it.

What does it mean that J & J is pulling the talent out? Wilson's problem is Borriello. Many of the people who left for our competitor left because of this clueless jerk. Where did Borriello come from?

i am not sure either. I will remark that none of the current management purchased homes in Santa Barbara. In a recent notices, we heard that Muir is moving to toxin, a line i think J&J wants to keep. I also remember a notice that Pedro, plant manager in Texas, is also moving to a stable J&J facility. We should watch for regulatory and clinical to create paths back to J&J. I would expect the sales and marketing leaders to go with the company. Who would want to keep the vp of sales? That guy is a joke. That goes for all the Cordis people. They are terrible.

As a surgeon, I can attest that these devices are too important to patients for manufacturers to engage in vexatious lawsuits that weaken the space. There needs to be a higher degree of responsibility for companies in the medical space than in the world of just widgets.

Mentor has great products which will survive. Sientra sales force is trying to get out and applying for every high paying job they can find.

Spoken like a true Mentor "wanna be-liever". Doubtful, but there are a lot of Mentor resumes floating around. Everybody here is wondering when the next wave of layoffs will happen and are worried after seeing (once again) good people get their pink slips, and being told they can interview for jobs across the country if they want to stay.

I said the products would survive, not necessarily anything else. I'm with you that layoffs are possible maybe even probable. Yes everyone in the breast implant industry seems to be looking for a job. The market is shrinking, products have become a commodity, and currently price is just a race to the bottom.

Sientra has an inferior product, but better management and better salespeople. Mentor has a better product and inferior talent behind it from top to bottom. My guess is someone will buy the Mentor portfolio and put better people behind it. It is a no brainer.

I said the products would survive, not necessarily anything else. I'm with you that layoffs are possible maybe even probable. Yes everyone in the breast implant industry seems to be looking for a job. The market is shrinking, products have become a commodity, and currently price is just a race to the bottom.

Created by none other than...

Sientra has an inferior product, but better management and better salespeople. Mentor has a better product and inferior talent behind it from top to bottom. My guess is someone will buy the Mentor portfolio and put better people behind it. It is a no brainer.

As a surgeon, I frequently review the clinical data that each manufacturer must regularly report to FDA illustrating the long term performance of these devices. I would encourage you to do the same as your statement re: the different products is, simply put, not supported by the clinical data reported by Mentor. In point of fact, it is quite the opposite.

I do, however, agree with your assessment of the "talent" of the two companies, and many of my peers feel the same.

As a surgeon, I frequently review the clinical data that each manufacturer must regularly report to FDA illustrating the long term performance of these devices. I would encourage you to do the same as your statement re: the different products is, simply put, not supported by the clinical data reported by Mentor. In point of fact, it is quite the opposite.

I do, however, agree with your assessment of the "talent" of the two companies, and many of my peers feel the same.

Wow Sientra reps are trolling cafepharma. How pathetic! You're a doc like I'm Elvis.

More people are let go:

Manny Burga
Sebby Borriello

Two of the worst crew to join a once great team have been given there walking papers. It is about time. They have done absolutely nothing. The Mentor management is an absolute joke. As are most J&J executives that proper gate their nepotism. Expect a massive decrease in J&J stock price next year! This company will need to be bailed out by the Government with in 3 years. Just wait and see. I hope they have been up Obama's rear.

There are more rumors of arbitration with Valeant to continue through March this year. Expect a final deal soon and a move for Mentor over to Valeant in Q2 2014. What to expect:
(1) Medicis like reduction in sales force, marketing, and closure of the Santa Barbara facility.
(2) Elimination of R&D. (Valeant is not an innovative company)
(3) Better bundling of products (i.e. more money for Valeant, less for the sales team)
(4) Toxin is clearly the bargaining chip (J&J really wants to keep this piece)

Are these information true or are these just speculation? There has been no official communication from Mentor Board, Valeant or JNJ till now.

What are the latest information with regards to these?

Guys for info, Mentor is closing down a breast implant manufacturing facility in Mauritius. 150 employees will be out with barely anything as compensation!!! guess that's a bit of J&J sttategy to minimise cost. Mentor in Mauritius manufacture the Perthese brand (former Perouse Plastie lab),

So Sientra people, this might be a good opportunity to hire experienced people out there. mauritius offers very low tax for companies and other tax benefits for investors. very stable country. check it out!

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