Men/Women at Zoll in Porn

Chokerville correlates with 1/2 pigs (oink, oink kind, i.e. your mamma fucked a pig to create you)

Chokerville correlates with Polaroid Corp. locations, all of them near Little Armenias in USA

The ‘soundtrack to my life’ caused by industrial chemical drinking. Those chemicals kill old people and by word association outcome is the ‘Soundtrack to my life’ and worse choking.

The ‘burning up like a sun’ feeling from industrial chemical drinks.

One warning, either you stop drinking industrial chemicals or Al-Q stops you.

Authorities need to pay more attention to society. Al-Q mentioned above likely referring to terror.

There is sign of problem looming us. Same Afghanistan disaster and 9/11 on 5 years 4 years 2 years before disaster strange occurrences happen. People hanging dead in hotel rooms, chemical drinking, self executions, assasination trys.

Broken arrows=nukes found off coast of Georgia and Alaska. So pay attention! Who put that there.

I have beautiful family with daughter, pay attention!

Remember the devil around the corner not always as bad as devil at your door.

Authorities need to pay more attention to society. Al-Q mentioned above likely referring to terror.

There is sign of problem looming us. Same Afghanistan disaster and 9/11 on 5 years 4 years 2 years before disaster strange occurrences happen. People hanging dead in hotel rooms, chemical drinking, self executions, assasination trys.

Broken arrows=nukes found off coast of Georgia and Alaska. So pay attention! Who put that there.

I have beautiful family with daughter, pay attention!

Remember the devil around the corner not always as bad as devil at your door.

Another Brunetti post, pressure of getting fired keeps him posting.