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Melanie has lost the respect of everyone that heard her voice


Completely blown away that this woman has a leadership position. The crying or fake crying on the call was the cringiest thing I’ve ever been a part of in a work setting. Her “premier sales force” droning had worn pretty thin but the suicide vest of a call was the coup de gras.


Completely blown away that this woman has a leadership position. The crying or fake crying on the call was the cringiest thing I’ve ever been a part of in a work setting. Her “premier sales force” droning had worn pretty thin but the suicide vest of a call was the coup de gras.


What call? I don't recall her crying

What call? I don't recall her crying
She got choked up when that one grandstanding rep went on and on praising leadership for doing the "right thing" by bringing over the entire Pfizer Team 1. She proved herself to be just as phony as the rest of this company's leaders. Have started interviewing and cannot wait to leave this place

She got choked up when that one grandstanding rep went on and on praising leadership for doing the "right thing" by bringing over the entire Pfizer Team 1. She proved herself to be just as phony as the rest of this company's leaders. Have started interviewing and cannot wait to leave this place

Melanie isn’t going to be around long. That clear and complete lack of judgement call will cost her the VP position at the very least but at any other company she would already be gone.

Pat is already sending signals that steps are being taken, she had Vic open the Q and A then forwarded some bullshit email from him.

Nothing from Melanie after that huge call out by that rep down south. Legend of a call out by the way, the rest of us thank you.

Later Mels!!!

Melanie isn’t going to be around long. That clear and complete lack of judgement call will cost her the VP position at the very least but at any other company she would already be gone.

Pat is already sending signals that steps are being taken, she had Vic open the Q and A then forwarded some bullshit email from him.

Nothing from Melanie after that huge call out by that rep down south. Legend of a call out by the way, the rest of us thank you.

Later Mels!!!

Hopefully she's at least banished to the shadow realm like Booby Adamov

Recruiters are starting to reach out...already heard from several colleagues that they've been contacted/are interviewing. It has become known that people feel undervalued and are looking for better opportunities. Melanie's complete tone-deafness played a large part in this feeling

It’s pretty clear that Melanie lost waft little influence she had with the entire BU. And I mean from the RD’s down to the ISR’s. She’s really talented on one area though, she lost that influence so quickly and on such a wide scale that it has to be some kind of record.

Bobby should never lead a sales team again but neither should Vic. Don’t let that southern preacher act fool you. Melanie is at least genuine and honest.

Bobby did what Stenhouse made him do and paid the price for it. Vic is a really good guy, but a weak leader of people. And Melanie is a fucking snake. Very high opinion of herself - she’s, by far, the worst of those 3.

Bobby did what Stenhouse made him do and paid the price for it. Vic is a really good guy, but a weak leader of people. And Melanie is a fucking snake. Very high opinion of herself - she’s, by far, the worst of those 3.
I agree and so would dozens of others
I have never heard one person say anything good about her.
She comes off as being very unqualified and unprofessional.
This company is getting worse by the day.Just not a good place to be anymore if you are a professional sales person.
This company does not value experience and professionalism.

I agree and so would dozens of others
I have never heard one person say anything good about her.
She comes off as being very unqualified and unprofessional.
This company is getting worse by the day.Just not a good place to be anymore if you are a professional sales person.
This company does not value experience and professionalism.

"if you are a professional sales person"??? Bahahahah!!!! Hey douchebag... Newsflash, PROFESSIONAL SALES PEOPLE DO NOT COME AND CRY AND HURL INSULTS ON CP!!!

"if you are a professional sales person"??? Bahahahah!!!! Hey douchebag... Newsflash, PROFESSIONAL SALES PEOPLE DO NOT COME AND CRY AND HURL INSULTS ON CP!!!
I agree with previous poster
What do you think CP is for?
Professional people do not call disgusting names like you just used! I don't see any evidence of crying here either .

I agree and so would dozens of others
I have never heard one person say anything good about her.
She comes off as being very unqualified and unprofessional.
This company is getting worse by the day.Just not a good place to be anymore if you are a professional sales person.
This company does not value experience and professionalism.

Unqualified is probably the nicest way to describe her. That roll out call and the Q&A call after was so completely terrible. It was so bad I thought we’d never hear from Melanie again.

Melanie is an arsonist thinly disguised as a fireman and she’s too UNQUALIFIED to know it.