Meet the Next Vice President, or a Soon-to-Be-Suddenly-Very Wealthy Ex-AG

Look up the definition of sleaze, corruption, or impropriety and you'll find pictures of the Clintons and now Loretta Lynch. These people are absolutely tone-deaf stupid. But, they are democrats, and democrats don't care.
Add in Republican candidate Carly Fiorina's revealing statements about Donald Trump's bankruptcies and fraudulent universities and you begin to see how absurd all of our choices are.

Add in Republican candidate Carly Fiorina's revealing statements about Donald Trump's bankruptcies and fraudulent universities and you begin to see how absurd all of our choices are.
At least Trump for the most part, has for profit entities Vag, and pays a shitload more taxes than the sleazy Clintons do.

Add in Republican candidate Carly Fiorina's revealing statements about Donald Trump's bankruptcies and fraudulent universities and you begin to see how absurd all of our choices are.

And whose VP pick was Fiorina, who by your own admission made reve sling statements about Trump? Oh yeah, that would be by far the best candidate in the field, CRUZ!

At least Trump for the most part, has for profit entities Vag, and pays a shitload more taxes than the sleazy Clintons do.

He pays taxes? Not so sure Libs, he says it's none of our business. He isn't going to show them. At least we know the Clinton's pay SOME taxes. My guess is he pays zero taxes.

He pays taxes? Not so sure Libs, he says it's none of our business. He isn't going to show them. At least we know the Clinton's pay SOME taxes. My guess is he pays zero taxes.

Good grief! Even if he did pay zero taxes, it's legal. If the Clintons could legally get away with paying zero taxes then they certainly would.

He pays taxes? Not so sure Libs, he says it's none of our business. He isn't going to show them. At least we know the Clinton's pay SOME taxes. My guess is he pays zero taxes.
Their foundation is a "non-profit," so is doubt it Vag. Wonder why St. Hillary won't release the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs talks? Who knows what she promised these Crony Capitalists.

Their foundation is a "non-profit," so is doubt it Vag. Wonder why St. Hillary won't release the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs talks? Who knows what she promised these Crony Capitalists.

What do those transcripts have to do with income tax returns? My point is this (and yes, I know you hate Hillary and I'm not wild about her either but) on the topic of income tax, she has released and will release tax forms showing she has paid some taxes. Donald will not. So sure, we can all conjecture that the Clinton's make some tax free money on their non-profit but we do see some income tax paid. We have yet to see one DIME paid by Donald and he says it isn't anyone's business. So love him, hate him whatever and love them hate them or whatever, from what I can see, the Clintons pay some income tax and it looks like Donald doesn't.

What do those transcripts have to do with income tax returns? My point is this (and yes, I know you hate Hillary and I'm not wild about her either but) on the topic of income tax, she has released and will release tax forms showing she has paid some taxes. Donald will not. So sure, we can all conjecture that the Clinton's make some tax free money on their non-profit but we do see some income tax paid. We have yet to see one DIME paid by Donald and he says it isn't anyone's business. So love him, hate him whatever and love them hate them or whatever, from what I can see, the Clintons pay some income tax and it looks like Donald doesn't.

And even if that's the case it makes no difference. So the Clintons released their taxes, Hillary is hiding much more that's far more important such as the logs of her daily activity while at State and all of the emails in her home brew server. This is far more important than tax returns and are matters of public record. That info does not belong to her! Once again you prove to have zero good judgement!

What do those transcripts have to do with income tax returns? My point is this (and yes, I know you hate Hillary and I'm not wild about her either but) on the topic of income tax, she has released and will release tax forms showing she has paid some taxes. Donald will not. So sure, we can all conjecture that the Clinton's make some tax free money on their non-profit but we do see some income tax paid. We have yet to see one DIME paid by Donald and he says it isn't anyone's business. So love him, hate him whatever and love them hate them or whatever, from what I can see, the Clintons pay some income tax and it looks like Donald doesn't.
Funny, only one side has to play by the rules. Her husband spiked the indictment of her, by intimidating the Attorney General. I couldn't care less about what Trump pays in taxes. I want to hear about the Uranium deal, through the Canadian company to the Kremlin, that St. Hillary approved while Secretary of State, followed by Hundreds of Million of Dollars being donated to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

Funny, only one side has to play by the rules. Her husband spiked the indictment of her, by intimidating the Attorney General. I couldn't care less about what Trump pays in taxes. I want to hear about the Uranium deal, through the Canadian company to the Kremlin, that St. Hillary approved while Secretary of State, followed by Hundreds of Million of Dollars being donated to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

Well we both agree on the Donald, despite our other differences. Good to see you on board unlike Anonopussy. Now my concern is if he selects Krispy Kreme for his running mate. And I am DYING to see Melania's porno.:)

Well we both agree on the Donald, despite our other differences. Good to see you on board unlike Anonopussy. Now my concern is if he selects Krispy Kreme for his running mate. And I am DYING to see Melania's porno.:)
I don't want to see Christie-Kreme either Vag. He is "Mr. War on Drugs," and a crook in his own right. Joanie Ernst is intriguing however. She checks a lot of boxes and has Military experience, unlike scum Hillary and whomever She would choose. Plus She comes from a state that he may need.

I don't want to see Christie-Kreme either Vag. He is "Mr. War on Drugs," and a crook in his own right. Joanie Ernst is intriguing however. She checks a lot of boxes and has Military experience, unlike scum Hillary and whomever She would choose. Plus She comes from a state that he may need.

Ernst is just another Palin with a few more brain cells and a few less crazy relatives.

No, but a complete fool might think so. The klan is a Democrat organization by the way. God bless the NRA. It doesn't get more American than the NRA, you little commie!

It's hilarious watching the RepukeliKKKans backed into a corner. They are losing religious liberty by the minute (thank "god"!!!), will lose the election to a CLINTON, and because of the idiot they selected as their candidate, will lose major seats in Congress, and the Supreme Court will continue to lean liberal. Even better, the NRA-ownership will be significantly reduced and with American's more and more outraged with guns, NRA will also lose significance. It's a self-inflicted condition that I am delighted to sit back and witness.