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Just a step folks, next they want your rubbers - LOL

Brett can send his daughters to Canada or a pro abortion state if they get into trouble with a pregnancy- such as an ectopic pregnancy or one that puts the mother in danger. Two Americas here- don’t you know that??? Do as I say, not as I do.
Yeah, this didn't outlaw infanticide in America, but proved that the Constitution worked. This is what's called Federalism. I know that's repellent to the Neofascist Left, but if you want to change your state's law, get off of your fat asses and get signatures for a ballot initiative.

Yeah, this didn't outlaw infanticide in America, but proved that the Constitution worked. This is what's called Federalism. I know that's repellent to the Neofascist Left, but if you want to change your state's law, get off of your fat asses and get signatures for a ballot initiative.

Too funny. Because a surgical procedure or access to a pil that did not exist when the Constitution was written, wasn't spelled out in at constitution, you have no right to it? Viagra didn't exist then either and wasn't addressed in the Constitution. Does that mean you have no right to it and have to get a ballot initiative?

Think man, THINK for a change.

Too funny. Because a surgical procedure or access to a pil that did not exist when the Constitution was written, wasn't spelled out in at constitution, you have no right to it? Viagra didn't exist then either and wasn't addressed in the Constitution. Does that mean you have no right to it and have to get a ballot initiative?

Think man, THINK for a change.
No, you're the one not thinking. It isn't up to you or me. It's up to EACH STATE to decide how they want to enforce this. In Calizuela, New York, the Mid-Atlantic shitholes and the mistake by the lake Chicago can have infanticide up to the ninth month if they want. It's their right as a "laboratory of democracy." Think man think. Did you sleep during Civics class?

No, you're the one not thinking. It isn't up to you or me. It's up to EACH STATE to decide how they want to enforce this. In Calizuela, New York, the Mid-Atlantic shitholes and the mistake by the lake Chicago can have infanticide up to the ninth month if they want. It's their right as a "laboratory of democracy." Think man think. Did you sleep during Civics class?

Then why did SCOTUS recently declare New York's gun law illegal?

Oh, you missed Civics class that day?

And don't give us your, It's in the Constitution crap either, key words, 'A well-regulated militia.'

Then why did SCOTUS recently declare New York's gun law illegal?

Oh, you missed Civics class that day?

And don't give us your, It's in the Constitution crap either, key words, 'A well-regulated militia.'
Um yeah cupcake, that's not the only text in the second amendment. Are you really this stupid?

Um yeah cupcake, that's not the only text in the second amendment. Are you really this stupid?

Are you? Even Bill O'Reilly pointed out the fact that there are exceptions to rights. 1st Amendment - you can't yell fire in a crowded room. Do you think we should be able to? I dare you to answer with one word. You will either show your stupidity or hypocricy.