Medtronic Takeover

Seems like a complementary acquisition with tax and safe harbor for MDT. Would they be better Leadership than Stryker?

I agree. MDT would have an all new division to gain from. Stryker's win would be demolishing existing competition, but gaining no new products. I hope for my friends at smith and nephew that Medtronic wins because they are more likely to still have jobs.

This isnt target buying kmart.
There is still a fair amount of relationship selling going on.
When S&N gets sold the sales guys are not going to be chopped.
The purchaser wants the market share and will want to maintain
continuity of service to be maintained with the exisisting sales force.
S&N management-that is a different story.

The belief that Medtronic will takeover SNN is ridiculous. There were several other companies mentioned in various articles attempting the same thing. To say that Medtronic is "evaluating" the possibility of a takeover is a statement that is borderline reckless as it confuses the market, will drive stocks higher, followed by a sell-off late in the week after confusion from both companies. Guess what? Lots of companies evaluate takeovers everyday. Who cares? Don't hold your breath on this one folks.

No one holding their breath here, except for the lousy "good old boy" managers who haven't grown their business in years. It's not a question of if, but when. Probably before the end of the year. The industry is ripe and you got to be big to survive. Medtronic, Stryker or J&J by the end of the year. Book it!

Blatant stock price manipulation by people in London spreading rumors. How big of a bonus does the ceo get for the price going up? And how long does it have to stay up?

Follow the money… I wish someone was investigating this organization.

You're brilliant! If its not mentioned on the MDT page, must be BS. It's idiot comments, from idiots like you which explains why we are a distant 4th place company.

Make that 5th place and falling there chappy! Buy some more of our SNN stock! Hurry!

We're not even a fart in the wind compared to Medtronic. They're laughing at these threads. And here you are crying about wanting to be a part of them. Run to big blue little boy! Run, don't walk!!!

You're brilliant! If its not mentioned on the MDT page, must be BS. It's idiot comments, from idiots like you which explains why we are a distant 4th place company.

My comment to this moron poster was so repulsive it hit the censors and got deleted. The previous poster was right in his analysis and this guy thinks everyone at Medtronic needs to listen to what he has to say. Here's a thought. They don't care about SNN.

This industry is turning into a very tough place. It's no longer the safe, steady refuge vs. the rest of the economy and job market that it use to be. Companies are slashing headcount and slashing investment. Everyone is skittish. Remember the days of big pharma buying ortho (and the spin-offs some time down the road)? You are looking at the new round of buy-ups in the industry, only now it's consolidation by competitors. There is no real growth happening in the marketplace, so the only way to grow and appease shareholders is to buy up the competitors' revenue and market cap. We talk about the US population demographics all the time as being a market driver, but changes in healthcare (O'Care, etc.) are artificially controlling the supply/demand curve. The painful effects on the industry are the result of the socialization of the market. As for S+N, Medtronic is a much better candidate, given that there would be some major anti-trust issues for a company like Stryker. It's hard to imagine J&J making a play, given the ongoing integration of Synthes and that by most accounts that has not played out as they had hoped - even if they could overcome the same anti-trust issues Stryker would have. Overall, it's hard to blame anyone for using this acquisition as an opportunity to move its tax base outside of the US for a more favorable rate.

No one wants S&N. Stryker maybe thought about taking a test drive, but they're not serious. S&N's CEO/board maybe out there peddling the company (and then leaking info to the press), but there won't be a bidding war for this company. I feel for the company that makes an offer at this point... Current stock price is near $90. That is insane. This company on it's best day is worth $40/share. I get that the Biomet transaction drove prices up (it's an artificial high), but $90/share for SNN? Get real.

No one wants S&N. Stryker maybe thought about taking a test drive, but they're not serious. S&N's CEO/board maybe out there peddling the company (and then leaking info to the press), but there won't be a bidding war for this company. I feel for the company that makes an offer at this point... Current stock price is near $90. That is insane. This company on it's best day is worth $40/share. I get that the Biomet transaction drove prices up (it's an artificial high), but $90/share for SNN? Get real.
Talk about artificial - the Biomet deal is still a long time away from completion, and yet Zimmer's stock is up like crazy... that's nuts. I'll bet the actual integration will be as clumsy as jnj/synthes, if not worse, even these two are just across town from each other.