its not the's the surgeon...'s not the nail, it's the carpenter's not the nail, it's the carpenter
Is it true Nuvasive was advertising their procedure as a simple disc yank and hammer in the plastic spacer...close the patient up and collect the full rate for a spine fusion?
When in fact they were never fixating peoples spines per the FDA approval letter for the implants?
Did the FDA issue guidance on May 3rd 2004 with the Spinal System 501(k's) Guidance for Industry and Staff notice saying there was significant risk and there were supposed to be Institutional Review Board and Informed Consent for these plastic spacers that somebody wanted to jam in peoples spines?
Were people actually informed they were receiving plastic spacer implants that in no way shape or form was actually going to hold the vertebrae together so the bone could grow together?
Is it true they KNOW people are not fusing and that's why the FDA came out with the "Bayesian" Statistics new theory saying instead of facts they will "learn from evidence as it accumulates". Are they really so evil that to get the economy going they would purposely allow people to be severely disabled so some IPO can run money from stock/JP Morgan into peoples hands to keep patients rolling in for $$$$$$ Bankrupting people trying to come up with funds to pay for the damage from their plastic implant moving around in their body and their vertebrae not fusing?
Could our government really be that evil? You betcha. Ain't no "One Trick Pony". This Pony's got connections in high places. Funneling those stock profits into politicians pockets seams to lube the wheels that allow it all to go around.
Can someone post a link to the FDA approval letter for the nuvasive plastic cage implant that surgeons have been inserting into people WITHOUT fixation?
Where is it?
Why are they getting paid for a full fusion when this procedure never fuses two vertebrae in any way, shape, or form? Why did the FDA allow this all to happen? Who's getting bought off in the FDA? Anybody got a name?