Medtronic Patch

Thank you for posting the link about Mednet - too bad our leadership team didn't have enough stones to share that with us.

Regarding CardioKey and Imec - you will eat your words in a few months.

I know the Tooth Fairy personally by the way

Thank you for posting the link about Mednet - too bad our leadership team didn't have enough stones to share that with us.

Regarding CardioKey and Imec - you will eat your words in a few months.

I know the Tooth Fairy personally by the way
Keep your hopes alive young one. We have been saying a few months for 2 years. Wasn't the key supposed to be a patch when announced in the beginning of 2013, launch in June 2013?

I wasn't here that early in 2013 but I have faith in what is being said and am confident that it will make me a lot of money when I finally get the chance to sell it. Negative attitudes like yours are a cancer that this company doesn't need - we have enough of them in Malvern and SF so we sure don't need them from the field.

I wasn't here that early in 2013 but I have faith in what is being said and am confident that it will make me a lot of money when I finally get the chance to sell it. Negative attitudes like yours are a cancer that this company doesn't need - we have enough of them in Malvern and SF so we sure don't need them from the field.

Most everything that is said is over a bottle of Jack. If if ever does come to life, trust me it will be so limited that less than 10% of accounts will see it during the initial 2 years. Look at the wireless and C5, how many actually had the opportunity to sell the device within 18 months? Everything still has to be approved. Hmmmmmm

Ask yourself why do people continue to leave this wonderful company? Lost 2 in same day just this week in same region. Theres a reason why we have such a high T.O. rate. People are tired of the constant bullshit. But, they will still have individuals such as yourself that believe cows can jump over the moon

I heard a third from that same region in on the way out but to be honest turnover is always highest in the sales force no matter where you go so I don't think it's anything more than bad timing.

I think it has been a short sighted decision to not invest more in C5 production especially now that we are in a second deficit in less than a year. I think KN's rehashed inventory messages are a waste of time and pointed in the wrong direction. Fix the shit that is broken, get device retrieval to do their damn job and spend some money on more equipment and stop being so damn cheap should be the message and should be directed at JC, DW, HG, AB, UJ and MG! We need leadership with integrity and courage who isn't afraid to spend a money on something other than KN's open bar tab.

Nah - they are too worried about stuff like private parking spaces for execs while one of my teammates who was pregnant, a had to park away from the building in the rain. SMH

I wasn't here that early in 2013 but I have faith in what is being said and am confident that it will make me a lot of money when I finally get the chance to sell it. Negative attitudes like yours are a cancer that this company doesn't need - we have enough of them in Malvern and SF so we sure don't need them from the field.
How is that cancerous? I doubt you are in sales, but a RSD. You are spreading lies and false hopes, that is why people are leaving.
Truth hurts. OS was 3 years late and not what was promised, wevent 2 years late and not what was promised. Ckey will be 2 years late and not what was promised (no one said anything about having leads 1.5 years ago). Oh, but you are confident that we will have idec Q1? You are full of sh*t or stupid. I agree with the other poster that c3 and OS will still be the dominant device for the next 2 years. We are not being negative, but realistic.

That post is correct - C5 took forever to get out and the 2:1 version did not have the capabilities promised. Ckey was supposed to be a patch from day one. By this stage there should be no such thing as a C3 anywhere and we should have had a 3:1 and a patch a year ago. Our leadership team probably all dreamed of being magicians as kids because they live their lives behind smoke and mirrors

That post is correct - C5 took forever to get out and the 2:1 version did not have the capabilities promised. Ckey was supposed to be a patch from day one. By this stage there should be no such thing as a C3 anywhere and we should have had a 3:1 and a patch a year ago. Our leadership team probably all dreamed of being magicians as kids because they live their lives behind smoke and mirrors

That was my exact point as I referenced the past device launches. History shows us that no matter what device, our sales force NEVER has the opportunity to sell it. And to add salt to the wound, they continually monitor daily inventories. I would love to know what % of her accounts are receiving the Wevents? But she continues to tout that she will knock em dead with the new CKey. Im also guessing she's from the Mile High city based on her future forecasting goals

Don't get me started on inventory and forecasts - two things this company has no clue how to manage!

I wonder if Vagistat would help the hemorrhoids this job has helped me develop

Ultimately JC but also HG and DW but nobody wants to spend money to build, buy or fix C5s or Ws because they are all in fantasy land over the 3 in 1 patch so in the meantime here we sit with another back order situation.