Medtronic is killing Cogentix


In 2015 the company's UPC business grew about 20%. In 2016 that business grew 5% and that too was on a declining trend, with fourth quarter DECLINING 2%. UPC accounts for about one-half of Cogentix's revenue and this decline is taking a big bite out of their overall business. Let's face it, Medtronic's Nuro System is killing Cogentix's UPC, and it is not over yet. The fat lady is not yet finished singing. Those walls that DH thought he was building are coming crumbling, crumbling down. And guess what, PrimeSight has seen its best days. That too is on a declining growth trend.

The endoscopy products are up at an increasing pace. UPC will face continued pressure from MDT as well as generic options. Darin better come up with something good, quick.

Medtronic has barely been able to get crumbs from my territory. As far as I am concerned, they've been bitch-slapped by their lack of market penetration in my area. The few accounts they have gotten in my territory are not guaranteed to stay with them. I'm working on converting them after Medtronic got them started. Cogentix has been good to me, which I would not say about numerous other device companies, and I hope things continue that way.

Medtronic has barely been able to get crumbs from my territory. As far as I am concerned, they've been bitch-slapped by their lack of market penetration in my area. The few accounts they have gotten in my territory are not guaranteed to stay with them. I'm working on converting them after Medtronic got them started. Cogentix has been good to me, which I would not say about numerous other device companies, and I hope things continue that way.
So why do you think that a business that was growing 20 percent all of a sudden drop its growth rate to 5 prcemt and then to minus 2 percent after MDT entered the market? What happened to those 40 million patients suffering from OAB? Did they go poof all of a sudden?

You must be very delusional from all that koolaid Darin has been pumping up your rectum!!!