Medtronic Diabetes Sales is becoming a Pharma Company

It's true that more layoffs are coming. They've cut all spending.
Gill is now long gone, but spending is completely halted.
Management there is complete sh17 and promise breakers.

I actually think the gig is pretty good. Theres a lot of worse jobs we could have. I have only been here Three years, finished just shy of 200k, and won's all just about managing many avenues. It's not for everyone but the top ppl continue to win for a reason.

I actually think the gig is pretty good. Theres a lot of worse jobs we could have. I have only been here Three years, finished just shy of 200k, and won's all just about managing many avenues. It's not for everyone but the top ppl continue to win for a reason.

Yes, and we learned about those reasons they win when some top players were shown the door last week.

i heard about that!! That's unfortunate... Great people...who knows the real circumstances...corporations have a way of getting rid of lots of people!!!;). At least 25% turn over at Medtronic Diabetes every year...

1) Meeting a DM to deliver a detail presentation so it can be graded and sent to M Gill
2) Filling out a daily SmartSheet logging my sales calls for the day so it can be sent to M Gill
3) Keeping track of how many glucometers I leave for an
office so it an be sent to M Gill

What other micro managing Big Pharma things are you having to do?

Your company was always big corporate. You just bought into their BS pitch when you got hired because you are naive.

At least you get it now. Good for you. You proved that you are not a total moron versus most of your peers that have their heads far up their anus.

So, play the game and enjoy getting abused in your career. That is the only way you will last. Nothing dynamic about working for a big corporation. It was never designed that way. It is only designed for them to make a lot of money, and for you to think you are relevant, when all you are is a corporate worker drone.

I actually think the gig is pretty good. Theres a lot of worse jobs we could have. I have only been here Three years, finished just shy of 200k, and won's all just about managing many avenues. It's not for everyone but the top ppl continue to win for a reason.

That's great you've found success (there's a multitude of factors at play there) and can still can't taste the BS you're swallowing. What's sad is you made PC and made just shy of 200k, yes it's a lot of money, but when I was there from 05-11 PC winners were all above 250k.
Keep swallowing while you can, there's a point when it's just not worth it any more.

This is a job you can't stay at for long. Get in put your time in, get Medtronic on your resume and then GET OUT. The longer you are here you realize that you are a number and Medtronic wants turnover. They get suckers that think it is so wonderful to sell insulin pumps and work for Medtronic (I was one) and then you realize that the stress and management constantly wanting more with a sensor that is awful, isn't worth it. Lots of good gigs out there that make a whole lot more sense and you can sleep at night when you go to bed. You stay here you have to drink the coolaid!

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