Medtronic Diabetes Sales is becoming a Pharma Company


1) Meeting a DM to deliver a detail presentation so it can be graded and sent to M Gill
2) Filling out a daily SmartSheet logging my sales calls for the day so it can be sent to M Gill
3) Keeping track of how many glucometers I leave for an
office so it an be sent to M Gill

What other micro managing Big Pharma things are you having to do?


Pharma doesn't do these things. ( my company doesn't) The only one Pharma does is logging in sales calls each day. The rest of the BS is unique to who you are working for. Have fun.

Things are definitely changing I'll agree. The most unfortunate thing though is how upper leadership completely screwed up their forecast for FY16. They must have assumed a new pump was coming out mid-year or earlier and were obviously incorrect. How they expected such aggressive growth to occur when they've been flat in growth the last 2 consecutive years is beyond me. What's worse, is when 85-90% of the sales force is NOT making goal, leadership can't take a step back and own up to the forecast being the problem - instead it must be the sales force thus we have tracking sheets and all other forms of micromanagement occurring. Is it May yet? I have a bad feeling that the morale hit is already done though and many will end up looking for a new gig.

Pharma doesn't do these things. ( my company doesn't) The only one Pharma does is logging in sales calls each day. The rest of the BS is unique to who you are working for. Have fun.
Actually, Pharma does do these things and then some. I've been in Pharma for 12 years, 3 companies and I've seen/done all of this and more! Just proves that things are complicated in all sectors of the business. Obviously, you work for the best Pharma company ever! Stay put & Have fun!

I wonder what the DOJ would say about having the DTC group calling out of warranty pump pt's and creatively finding malfunctions in order to upgrade pumps? Can anyone say insurance fraud?

The most unfortunate thing though is how upper leadership completely screwed up their forecast for FY16. They must have assumed a new pump was coming out mid-year or earlier and were obviously incorrect. How they expected such aggressive growth to occur when they've been flat in growth the last 2 consecutive years is beyond me.

But Hooman's cr@p don't stink so it's the rank and file that will get screwed.

well layoffs are coming for TMs, DMs, and DCSs so dust off your resume
and probably someone at the top as well
welcome to the G.E. culture, and no, they don't bring good things to life!

well layoffs are coming for TMs, DMs, and DCSs so dust off your resume
and probably someone at the top as well
welcome to the G.E. culture, and no, they don't bring good things to life!

For those of us unfamiliar with the G.E. culture, what should we expect? I assume you are suggesting the CEO will carry that culture through Medtronic.

1) Meeting a DM to deliver a detail presentation so it can be graded and sent to M Gill
2) Filling out a daily SmartSheet logging my sales calls for the day so it can be sent to M Gill
3) Keeping track of how many glucometers I leave for an
office so it an be sent to M Gill

What other micro managing Big Pharma things are you having to do?

So you finally found out that your company sucks? Good for you. I knew a long, long, long, time ago.

You are just a slave to a company like that.

Good luck job hunting.

Is this the end of Medtronic Diabetes? We can't even spend a dime. How can senior leadership be so obtuse that they forgot the cardinal rule. Its takes money to make money. We are SO damn cheap when it comes to our people. We pay less and less every year, get crappy new people to replace good people and they wonder why we're failing. Sr Management is completely blind. How can they not see this. If O gave up 1 week of his $41 M annual package we could fund the entire sales force for the quarter. When you hear in the news about bloated CEOs $ raising medical costs, they are talking about MEDTRONIC! They pay senior people well and sales and clincial people crap. I really think this in the beginning of the end. Anyone else?

Is this the end of Medtronic Diabetes? We can't even spend a dime. How can senior leadership be so obtuse that they forgot the cardinal rule. Its takes money to make money. We are SO damn cheap when it comes to our people. We pay less and less every year, get crappy new people to replace good people and they wonder why we're failing. Sr Management is completely blind. How can they not see this. If O gave up 1 week of his $41 M annual package we could fund the entire sales force for the quarter. When you hear in the news about bloated CEOs $ raising medical costs, they are talking about MEDTRONIC! They pay senior people well and sales and clincial people crap. I really think this in the beginning of the end. Anyone else?

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