So true! We failed to make hay while the sun was shining, and now we're supposed to do it in a rain storm. Not very likely.
Let's also remember that before CORONA hit, the opiate epidemic was actually on the decline. If we could not grab a bigger share of the addiction medication market when the opiate epidemic was at the center of public attention we certainly can't do it now.
Then there is the issue of the very short attention span of politicians and the public. Here (in succession) is what will occupy public attention in the next year:
These topics will suck all of the oxygen out of the room, and all the public money off the table. Essentially no one in the media or politics will focus on opiate addiction. All of this is very bad news for Alkermes as the buprenorphine juggernaut continues to move forward.
- First it will be all CORONA all the time, along with the related issues of lock-down vs reopening the economy, economic fall out, etc.
- Next we will fixate on the election for a few months.
- Finally (post election) it will either be doom and gloom over another four years of Trump, or all about rebuilding the country, the government. and the economy under Biden.
Pretty good analysis, but you left out the fact that Vivitrol has an indication for alcohol dependence.
This just in: Media predicts Hillary will beat Donald could be worse. At least nobody is counting on us to find a vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm just guessing that if we tried, not only would we fail but it would somehow involve Samidorphan. It's a real miracle drug you know. It may not eliminate symptoms but it certainly has eliminated a lot of investor's savings!
This is a great analysis...but I would add one more thing. What will be the impact if we get a Democrat president (which is looking more and more likely) who appoints a real functioning cabinet?
I suppose there is room for debate about the political merits of Trump vs. Biden, but one thing is very clear...the Trump cabinet is mostly a bunch of ideologue sycophants who are essentially incompetent at manipulating the levers of bureaucratic power. As a group they don't like government. They don't really understand government. And they mostly don't know how to administer the vast federal agencies they control.
Biden will appoint people who are far more skilled and experienced at the art of bureaucracy. Now lets consider the one thing most liberals and conservatives can agree on. They hate the greedy pharma industry. Imagine that sentiment being backed up by a competent federal bureaucracy determined to bring down prices and reign in corporate greed! It will be a thing to behold.