Media question: life under Valeant

We stay because we are constantly waiting for something good to happen but it never does. You think, how could it stay this bad for so long but it has. Just saying. I think I'm waiting for a end to the madness but it never ends. No light at the end of the tunnel thus far.

what a ridiculous statement. you stay because you are constantly waiting for something good to happen? it hasn't been a year. they announced from the start where the lay offs would be. it happened. we had WAAAAAY too may people that we did not need. everyone knows it. none wants to be the one to lose their job. but it happens in this industry. no matter WHO bought bausch, it was going to happen.

noone sticks around saying it's been "this bad for this long" if they are worth a toot and can get a job anywhere else. and really? it has not been a year yet-how can you act like it's been years.

there are some pitifully juvenile people posting on this thread. none of you have come up with any concrete changes, because there have not been. i was a skeptic and still am. i am worried, but i'd be worried not matter what pharma company i work for in todays environment.

our industry is changing rapidly. this is not valeant's fault.

to the original poster, Matt: as you can see, there are no real changes or you would have them listed here. a couple of people have chimed in a few slight changes in benefits, but that would change no matter who bought bausch.

remember folks, anyone could have purchased us. we were for sale. bausch wasn't the bomb in the first place. did you all forget what just happened in the ISTA purchase??? all the layoffs and lost jobs???? short memories.

quit the drama and the crying and get to work. make this work or get lost. tired of all you entitlement people who don't want to work just want to complain about anything and everything.

it's not the end of the world. try working for alcon or allergan. we've got it way better!

Valeant's model is best described in the transcript from this week's shareholder presentation where Pearson stated about how they manage acquisitions, " we intergrate and decentralize." I have never worked for a company that has done this a poorly as Valeant. We now have responsibilities that were handled by rochester but have been pushed to us at the mfg locations but with fewer people to do the work.

The only thing that makes this bearable is that the Bausch people are high caliber (yes, I'm biased) and try hard to make things work. Many Valeant people at the worker bee level are good too. It is not an us vs. them. We are all trying to work for a company that is devoid of leadership.

It's evident that quality suffers due to valeants model of doing more with less. Everyone is feeling it, even sales. Could it worse, yes. However it is noticeable and a nuisance.

you want to use our names in the business article. Are you nuts. The people that will tell you how it really is at Valeant will not give you their names because they will lose their jobs.

Is this a real post or are you really a reporter? A real reporter could find means to get the real scoop without jeopardizing people's jobs.

I have been in pharma sales for over 20yrs. Never ever in all these years has any company I worked for re-adjusted goals-LOWER, AFTER the quarter ended.

For all you shit stirrers who posted we wouldn't get paid our bonuses- SHUT THE HECK UP!
You are doing nothing but trying to terrorize people.

Go play in traffic and keep your lying comments to yourself.

To The management team-THANK YOU! I appreciate your willingness to lower the goals you set. We all thought they were to high, but most companies would not apologize and correct their forecasts.

I have been in pharma sales for over 20yrs. Never ever in all these years has any company I worked for re-adjusted goals-LOWER, AFTER the quarter ended.

For all you shit stirrers who posted we wouldn't get paid our bonuses- SHUT THE HECK UP!
You are doing nothing but trying to terrorize people.

Go play in traffic and keep your lying comments to yourself.

To The management team-THANK YOU! I appreciate your willingness to lower the goals you set. We all thought they were to high, but most companies would not apologize and correct their forecasts.
This illustrates the two viewpoints at Valeant. The only people I hear saying anything positive are sales reps. Pearson understand that the reps bring in the money and treats them better. Ask people who makes the product or more importantly, take care of all the support needs, you will here a different story. Both are accurate.

To the sales reps who think we are shit stirrers and whiners, come spend a week with us. We take care of things that you never even heard of but are necessary to deliver your product to your customers. How many repeat orders do you think you'll get if your customers don't get their product, get the wrong product, or get something that isn't safe?

Not looking for a medal here. Just pointing out that we work because you sell and you continue to sell because we work.

u dips*t.....i was 180% on Zylet and they raised my goal

Oh my! Your world is crashing! And what happened to yor gel goal which is over 60% of your comp? And to besi which is your 2nd drug? And, most likely, you still made goal and a bonus you wouldn't have if you worked somewhere else cause they adjusted them and paid you anyway.

Quit trolling

This illustrates the two viewpoints at Valeant. The only people I hear saying anything positive are sales reps. Pearson understand that the reps bring in the money and treats them better. Ask people who makes the product or more importantly, take care of all the support needs, you will here a different story. Both are accurate.

To the sales reps who think we are shit stirrers and whiners, come spend a week with us. We take care of things that you never even heard of but are necessary to deliver your product to your customers. How many repeat orders do you think you'll get if your customers don't get their product, get the wrong product, or get something that isn't safe?

Not looking for a medal here. Just pointing out that we work because you sell and you continue to sell because we work.

I promise, not belittling your job. We all support each other. But here's the deal: we live & work in a spiraling downward industry. This has been going on in pharma for several years and has nothing to do with valeant. Companies have been buying others and letting people go in overwhelming numbers. Sales reps positions in pharma are declining by close to 40% (read this in some industry news rags). R& D jobs are going south in pharma too. Researchers are moving toward other research related jobs/companies.

A huge part of the problem lies in the attitude around generic drugs both in managed care support and in research funding. It doesn't pay to research & develop new drugs right now. It hasn't for a while. The demand to answer to wall street has changed the industry. Drug prices have gone through the roof. Managed care is demanding the utilization of generic meds to a point where patients must sometimes fail on several therapies before paying for a branded drug and patients will not pay out of pocket because they've already spent a fortune on healthcare insurance AND because docs & patients are being told ( indoctrinated) that generic drugs are the same. Our government is running ads telling people this.

I went to an interview not long ago. Company was hiring across the country. They were interviewing out of work sales reps only-thousands of highly experienced and extremely successful reps lined up hoping for the 50-100 positions. It was SHOCKING, to say the least. Most were in their 40's. They were required to have finished on the top 10% for the last two years to qualify for the interview.

I have no idea what my fate will be at valeant. Or yours. Anyone who is not happy is free to walk. I wish people would instead of moaning and groaning and posting all this nasty garbage. If they are so terribly unhappy, do something else. If there's not opportunity where ypu live, pack up and move where there is until the economy and industry turns.

If you read the news, our country's economy is shrinking. Still.
If you read other boards, they are filled with tales of lay offs.
I don't like it and am not being cruel, but it's LIFE. It's not just Valeant. There is a different way here. We need to adapt. If you spend all your time complaining you'll go crazy. So decide to make the best of your situation or change your situation. Those who do nothing but spew hatred and start silly rumors (like we wont get paid) need to get over it or move on. Really.

Post #28 is spot on. As far as the poster that said "Matt, there are no real changes to see", you're wrong. Valeant butchered clinical, leaving those that remained to pick up all the pieces. There was no logic in who was let go. We had to go through 30+ cubicles and do "clean up". With research, comes regulations and guidelines that need to be adhered to -Valeant doesn't seem to care. Someone said it perfect "Valeant is good at acquisitions, but lousy at integration". With 3+ years of heavy acquistions, one would think that Valeant would have a plan in place to integrate, but that is not the case. Regulations don't seem to matter to Valeant. If performing research under sub-standard resources doesn't sonstitute "change" - then I guess, you can say there have been very little change. I went from working in a department with 70+ people down to approximately 15.

Benefits have changed - Vacation is acrued, if you leave, you are responsible for paying it back, whereas with a non-accrual vacation, that's not the case. Those that had more than 3 weeks vacation, lost it. Lenses are no longer available in 2014. To the person that stated otherwise - you were probably able to get them because they had extra in stock.

... they announced from the start where the lay offs would be. it happened.

It hasn't all happened you moron. Read the slides.

Synergies to be realized between the end of Q1 2014 and the end of 2014:

$20M in US Corporate.
$32M in US Commercial
$18M in LatAm
$7M in Canada
$23M in Asia
$58M in Europe
$50M in Global R&D
$39M in Ops / Supply Chain

That's $247M more in cuts.

B+L employees - My name is Matt Daneman and I'm a business reporter with the Rochester, NY, Democrat and Chronicle. And given all the Allergan issues and talk about how Valeant operates, I'm interested in getting a better idea of how life under Valeant is different than Warburg Pincus or the publicly traded days. I'd love to talk with current B+Lers, or people who left since Valeant took over. My preference would be to talk to you on the record, using your name, but if that's a problem, we can also talk not for attribution. Thanks., (585) 258-2470.

One word: horrible

It's evident that quality suffers due to valeants model of doing more with less. Everyone is feeling it, even sales. Could it worse, yes. However it is noticeable and a nuisance.

There is no way you are feeling it in sales. If so then give specifics that apply to Valeant. Remember, no matter WHO bought bausch there would be changes. So list the changes that are valeant based.

Post #28 is spot on. As far as the poster that said "Matt, there are no real changes to see", you're wrong. Valeant butchered clinical, leaving those that remained to pick up all the pieces. There was no logic in who was let go. We had to go through 30+ cubicles and do "clean up". With research, comes regulations and guidelines that need to be adhered to -Valeant doesn't seem to care. Someone said it perfect "Valeant is good at acquisitions, but lousy at integration". With 3+ years of heavy acquistions, one would think that Valeant would have a plan in place to integrate, but that is not the case. Regulations don't seem to matter to Valeant. If performing research under sub-standard resources doesn't sonstitute "change" - then I guess, you can say there have been very little change. I went from working in a department with 70+ people down to approximately 15.

Benefits have changed - Vacation is acrued, if you leave, you are responsible for paying it back, whereas with a non-accrual vacation, that's not the case. Those that had more than 3 weeks vacation, lost it. Lenses are no longer available in 2014. To the person that stated otherwise - you were probably able to get them because they had extra in stock.

Oh my, things are so different! You came up with what? Vacation accrual and ypu cant get contact lenses? Are you serious?
Bausch was for sale. We were going to be bought by someone. Did you think there would be no changes at all? Seriously? You're complaining that maybe you cant get contact lenses? Did you know that your health insurance at Valeant pays for them? Did you think that any other company that bought Bausch might not provide them free of charge to you either??? Do you think Allergan reps get free Botox? Nope!
Guess what happens when you move to another company? Vacation changes. The last pharma co I worked for had only TWO weeks for the first 5 years and it was accrued.
This is what the above poster was talking about when mentioning cry baby entitlement thinking immature people.

Grow up! This is the business world.

It hasn't all happened you moron. Read the slides.

Synergies to be realized between the end of Q1 2014 and the end of 2014:

$20M in US Corporate.
$32M in US Commercial
$18M in LatAm
$7M in Canada
$23M in Asia
$58M in Europe
$50M in Global R&D
$39M in Ops / Supply Chain

That's $247M more in cuts.

Exactly! They have notified all of us. Plenty of time to get ready. If whiney babies like you will go ahead and leave there is more job security for those of us who are working and adapting to change.

Please leave! Our culture is now what we make it and the negative nellies like you need to go. We want positive hard working people here who are ready to move forward.

It hasn't all happened you moron. Read the slides.

Synergies to be realized between the end of Q1 2014 and the end of 2014:

$20M in US Corporate.
$32M in US Commercial
$18M in LatAm
$7M in Canada
$23M in Asia
$58M in Europe
$50M in Global R&D
$39M in Ops / Supply Chain

That's $247M more in cuts.

Look around you bitch! Pharma is doing this every day and even more at larger companies. It doesn't take a buy out for this to happen.

you filthy pussy. No one gets free contacts because they didn't work for contact lens companies. Obviously it was a benefit for Bausch employees which we rightlfully deserved.