Medacta USA "Leadership"


Wow! Competitive rep here who was being courted until I met the US leadership GM and VP of Sales what a bunch of clowns who do not realize they are a 5 tier company not ZB or Stryker! I think ZB and SYK flushed their toilets aNd it all landed here as leadership ZERO FOLLOW UP ZERO IDEA HOW TO RUN AN ORTHOPEDIC BUSINESS AND ZERO FOLLOW UP WITH MY SURGEONS
the regional I dealt with also another idiot whose arrogance is another story I saw their products and considered a move until the car pulled up and the clowns all popped out just like the circus
avoid this shit show #5 for a reason

Wow! Competitive rep here who was being courted until I met the US leadership GM and VP of Sales what a bunch of clowns who do not realize they are a 5 tier company not ZB or Stryker! I think ZB and SYK flushed their toilets aNd it all landed here as leadership ZERO FOLLOW UP ZERO IDEA HOW TO RUN AN ORTHOPEDIC BUSINESS AND ZERO FOLLOW UP WITH MY SURGEONS
the regional I dealt with also another idiot whose arrogance is another story I saw their products and considered a move until the car pulled up and the clowns all popped out just like the circus
avoid this shit show #5 for a reason

Hahaha know these guys!

One fired from a top company
One got where he was from daddy in law
One simply in a gm job where he has no business doing!
Three blind mine three blind mice see how the fail See how they fail

Wow! Competitive rep here who was being courted until I met the US leadership GM and VP of Sales what a bunch of clowns who do not realize they are a 5 tier company not ZB or Stryker! I think ZB and SYK flushed their toilets aNd it all landed here as leadership ZERO FOLLOW UP ZERO IDEA HOW TO RUN AN ORTHOPEDIC BUSINESS AND ZERO FOLLOW UP WITH MY SURGEONS
the regional I dealt with also another idiot whose arrogance is another story I saw their products and considered a move until the car pulled up and the clowns all popped out just like the circus
avoid this shit show #5 for a reason

Posts like this are enjoyable! You considered a move for higher commission let’s be honest. Products are pretty much the same across the board. I can’t speak to the leadership since I don’t know anything about them but let’s be real, all the device company’s have leadership issues.

Posts like this are enjoyable! You considered a move for higher commission let’s be honest. Products are pretty much the same across the board. I can’t speak to the leadership since I don’t know anything about them but let’s be real, all the device company’s have leadership issues.

Matt Mike or Steve

Matt Mike Steve

That is some funny shit!
Esp when u post
At 130am guess no cases to get up for?

But to your point
Neither has a clue about running a division
They think this small company is Stryker
Champaign on a beer budget

Shame great
Products shit leadership I spoke with one and after 2 minutes said no way

love ortho mtg and hearing what a shit show medacta usa is!
How can they let these clowns run the us?
Idiots who have no clue what to do or how
To run morons!
No wonder 5 tier company with ifiots running usa

“Malpracta” is the worst company ever.
It’s what I call a ROB


Also, it’s full of PTE’s which stands for


Gaudy has NO idea what’s going on he’s the president. He’s coming along for the ride and happy to be there.

Steve is PTE Af. He thinks he’s still in 2002.
And he’s the guy they send to pay docs to use their shit products. He’s the VP of sales

Sean FitzSimmons is PTE af. Never sold anything is his life. He is there cuz of his uncle in law. He is the VP of corporate development. His job is to get drunk with docs.

Almost everyone at corporate is disgustingly arrogant for NO reason. When they get 1 doc they lose 3. And their isn’t enough stock to go around.

Also, Julie Christian is not only hideous in the inside but also the outside. She’s the most horrible human ever and the most miserable.

Malpracta hired her and she ruined Dartmouth and got banned and like she’s the cum dumpster of the chief of ortho there she didn’t get fired.