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Med Derm?

Whybhave all
These people with bases of 110 and 120 doing very, very little. Put a tracker on their company cars and see most don't leave their homes on most days. These are real deadbeats doing nothing and dragging down the stock.

This is the same ASSHOLE that is posting this Primary Care Shit all over this board and doesn’t know his head from his (possibly Forest) ass.

Let me say again: sell your worthless shit stock, get a life, get over it and get the F*uck off CP.

You’ve obviously never carried a bag and don’t know anything about what any Legacy AGN divisions do (which is work our asses off)!!!

Remember me? “The Gal”

Kiss off, idiot!

Tou can always spot the weak sales folks. They say things like carry the bag..and are overly emotional and lack strength and control. The excellent sales people say things like I won PC 12 times, I ranked 1 out of 500, and you are funny/ I don't really care what you say or do, I'll just laugh at you. ( like I am doing now).

I'm 1 out of a million in the rankings always.

The entitlement of this sales force is/was comical. Yes, you had a great job and yes, you were respected in the dermatology community but get over yourself already. Allergan laid you off. Obviously you weren’t bringing enough value to the bottom line. And that is the only standard that matters. Best of luck in your next endeavor and let this be a wake up call that you are no better than any of the rest of us. *spoken from a specialty rep from a reputable company who has been laid off before. It is the nature of this business and no one is ever safe.

Tou can always spot the weak sales folks. They say things like carry the bag..and are overly emotional and lack strength and control. The excellent sales people say things like I won PC 12 times, I ranked 1 out of 500, and you are funny/ I don't really care what you say or do, I'll just laugh at you. ( like I am doing now).

I'm 1 out of a million in the rankings always.
“won 12 times” Your goals are obviously never adjusted. I can understand having s streak, but seriously you’re exaggerating quite a bit.

I don’t know how this turned into a CoolSculpting thread, but those reps were not impacted in this recent bloodbath.

For those of you b!tching about MedDerm reps making too much money and how we deserved to be cut: go back to your two-block radius PC world of no access and faking calls. This division was EXTREMELY well-respected in the Derm world, and a very difficult job to get (I know a lot of you tried during the last expansion, hence the bitterness). Our territories were large, our relationships like family, and our loyalty was fierce. This was a move legacy Allergan would NEVER have done.

For those that stay and made it through the myriad of cuts, I sincerely wish you the best, but would highly encourage you to polish up those resumes and keep a weathered eye out for the next squall (which will be coming sooner rather than later from what I’ve seen of sr mgmt).
Also... let’s be honest. Many selling machines that have great numbers are either psycho or emotionally unstable (not all by the way, but quite a few) and always ready to attack anyone who they “perceive” as standing in their way. There are some crazy a$$ f*cks out there.

Below average sales reps always have the rationale as to why they can lead the pack and shy away from rankings. It's a dog eat dog world and many of you need comfort and can't handle the tough ups and downs of sales. You can't laugh and your added as so tight you can fart.

S nowflake nation full of crybabies who think they are entitled and can't handle anyone hurting their delicate feelings. Toughen up and get you ass in geR, work hard and know that sales is a ranking game. If you ain't the lead dog, then you are always sniffing someone else's ass. That is how the game plays. Go get a job selling women's shoes at Nordstrom.

S nowflake nation full of crybabies who think they are entitled and can't handle anyone hurting their delicate feelings. Toughen up and get you ass in geR, work hard and know that sales is a ranking game. If you ain't the lead dog, then you are always sniffing someone else's ass. That is how the game plays. Go get a job selling women's shoes at Nordstrom.
Yes sir. Time to ‘git miself in “geR”’. Just need to borrow a couple of snorts of blow and I’ll be ready to go.

Our new president will drain the swamp and that includes complicit turds who can’t spell. And that my friend, would be weak minded people who follow the herd like yourself.
For now, you should have fun being a total dumb ass.

lewis candura claims if he was the VP of medderm everyone but still have their jobs.
He is running to Botox division begging for jobs. He pissed off so many people in that division stating that they were lazy old women who’ve had too much work done on their faces He said that the Botox reps in New Jersey were overweight

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