MDT Diabetes

Medtronic planning exit strategy from the diabetes marketplace. Inability to deliver products that are in demand and are not user friendly is the result of failure to understand core business fundamentals that once made this division a powerhouse. Failure of management to adapt and strategically implement a cohesive business plan has proved to be a critical mistake. Multiple individual competitors taking down a once formidable company that forgot how to effectively go to market. Each bumbling leader, in succession, has chosen the wrong strategic path, over and over. Management has proved that promoting people beyond their level of competence results in a seriously flawed business model. Not adapting a cohesive social media and marketing platform, in today’s business environment, another critical oversight. Not undoing these critically flawed strategies has proven insurmountable. Complete failure of operations to follow imperative quality control requirements severed relationships with FDA and has stalled introduction of new products to the market. Failed managed market strategies have allowed competitors to penetrate a patient base that Medtronic ignored because it wasn’t deemed lucrative. MBA playbook for what not to do.

Medtronic planning exit strategy from the diabetes marketplace. Inability to deliver products that are in demand and are not user friendly is the result of failure to understand core business fundamentals that once made this division a powerhouse. Failure of management to adapt and strategically implement a cohesive business plan has proved to be a critical mistake. Multiple individual competitors taking down a once formidable company that forgot how to effectively go to market. Each bumbling leader, in succession, has chosen the wrong strategic path, over and over. Management has proved that promoting people beyond their level of competence results in a seriously flawed business model. Not adapting a cohesive social media and marketing platform, in today’s business environment, another critical oversight. Not undoing these critically flawed strategies has proven insurmountable. Complete failure of operations to follow imperative quality control requirements severed relationships with FDA and has stalled introduction of new products to the market. Failed managed market strategies have allowed competitors to penetrate a patient base that Medtronic ignored because it wasn’t deemed lucrative. MBA playbook for what not to do.

Is JF still in play? He worked so hard to get in the top seat-division was doomed once they put him in. Heard one of his rah-rah speeches-too bad it was from leader’s gone by. Dude was way over his head from the jump.

JF a total joke. Another line of failed leadership.

Smart pen now? 770G nine months after initial planned launch. Major quality and operations problems. Sales continue to tank. Desperate measures for a doomed division. Vultures are circling. Clock is ticking.

We can only assume you didn’t meet your number huh? Blaming everyone else makes you feel like you’re not at the center of your failures doesn’t it?

Medtronic planning exit strategy from the diabetes marketplace. Inability to deliver products that are in demand and are not user friendly is the result of failure to understand core business fundamentals that once made this division a powerhouse. Failure of management to adapt and strategically implement a cohesive business plan has proved to be a critical mistake. Multiple individual competitors taking down a once formidable company that forgot how to effectively go to market. Each bumbling leader, in succession, has chosen the wrong strategic path, over and over. Management has proved that promoting people beyond their level of competence results in a seriously flawed business model. Not adapting a cohesive social media and marketing platform, in today’s business environment, another critical oversight. Not undoing these critically flawed strategies has proven insurmountable. Complete failure of operations to follow imperative quality control requirements severed relationships with FDA and has stalled introduction of new products to the market. Failed managed market strategies have allowed competitors to penetrate a patient base that Medtronic ignored because it wasn’t deemed lucrative. MBA playbook for what not to do.

Top rep. Division used to be years ahead of competitors. Now, division at least a couple years behind competitors. What Medtronic allowed to happen should be criminal. Bad management 101. Inquiry should be opened as to who got paid off by competitors to tank the division and a once dominant player in the market. A once world class customer service operation shredded its culture and is now universally hated for its arrogance and incompetent people.

Bye bye.

Can't believe that we're hiring for MDI sales reps! Smart pen and Guardian Connect is a desperate play that will be another failed attempt from Medtronic to be players once again. The window of recovery is closing fast. Division will be gone within 2 years. Absolute failure and criminal mismanagement of a business.

What about no finger sticks didn't we understand? Awful leadership and strategy. Is is plain stupidity or ignorance? We used to be THE industry leader. Now we're bad followers that are years behind. How did it all happen and how was it allowed to happen?



Each new round of “leaders” fail to do what’s needed and continue to bow to the misguided strategy of ignorant and self serving rudderless executives. When do we sell the business to someone who knows what they’re doing?

Less time spent on lip service appeasing today’s social cultural awareness activities and more time spent running an effective business that delivers real world results and gives the customer what they want.
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All of this ^^ and more. MDT thinks they can micromanage a 3rd in class product(s) to success while undervaluing their most valuable assets (field sales people). If you’re not looking, you should be. A lot of opportunity out there where the salary is considerably more than the total comp here, and the products are actually competitive. Moreover, you’ll be treated like a valued team member vs a number on a spreadsheet.

All of this ^^ and more. MDT thinks they can micromanage a 3rd in class product(s) to success while undervaluing their most valuable assets (field sales people). If you’re not looking, you should be. A lot of opportunity out there where the salary is considerably more than the total comp here, and the products are actually competitive. Moreover, you’ll be treated like a valued team member vs a number on a spreadsheet.
So where do you recommend we look?

Diabetes division mismanaged for years. Couldn’t even copy competitors. I hear Taps playing in the background.

So while Dexcom runs a Super Bowl ad to hype their technology staring Joe Jonas, Medtronic is busy making powerpoints to convince management that we have product superiority.... it’s humiliating to think that they have let the competition run over us.