McKesson board!!!

Mckesson has a very high turnover rate. They have job ads posted every other day replacing the people that quit on a weekly basis.Why would a company as successful as them want to continue this process and just try to keep the people they hire. I have a idea hire more people and pay them a decent wage.Get rid of STANDARDS, it only causes friction between employees and would improve working conditions.Instead of their workers running around like maniacs worrying about numbers , they would make less mistakes and gets the customer upset the most. .

There is a class action suit in the making for Mckesson/ Moore Medical.

An attorney, Heena Kapadia at Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau LLC, is handling the case.

I don't know what it is all about, but if you work for them, it's worth a call or email.
Hartford, CT (860) 246-2466 | New London, CT (860) 442-2466

Too bad it is the only way to make changes.

I believe McKesson's Board, led by John Hammergren speaks for itself. He as a board member of HP has failed in multiple ways. I know he help elect the new CEO with out an interview, and of course he is now gone. Great work John. But more important if there ethical conduct and here is a great example of the McKesson elites attitude.

Here you go
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 12, 2006--McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK) today announced the acquisition of RelayHealth Corporation, a leading provider of online physician-patient communication services....The acquisition of RelayHealth follows a strategic investment made in 2005 by McKesson with the goal of expanding its commitment in the personal health management space.

Relay Healthweb site

Our History
McKesson Corporation created RelayHealth in 2006 to simplify how the business of healthcare is managed while making the delivery of care safer and more efficient.

So John, do you know for a fact that McKesson created Relay Health or was it acquired in the Per-Se acquisition?

And hence the problem with McKesson and Health Care in general. You have leaders and doctors that will lie, misrepresent the truth to get ahead. John talks about having "skin in the game" his book he wrote while playing CEO. John, if the consumer can not call any doctors office, imaging center, ... and get a true cost of the procedure how can we have skin in the game. It's called Transparency and I know you use that word only for your benefit, but McKesson represents one of the largest stumbling blocks in Health Care.

What are your current liabilities from outstanding AWP litigation?
Do you really think the VA should renew your contract after being caught price fixing against US government agencies?? NO

McKesson Paying $350 Million to Settle Drug-Price Litigation
McKesson has agreed to pay $82 million to settle the claims of the Class.

Where does it end John?

I used to work at McKesson out of the La Vergne, TN facility. What a joke that place was. Managers fucking eachother in and out of the office! Promotion decisions based on looks and sexual favors offered. One manager in particular has added 30 people to her department for data entry! The data entry team is now the size of the warehouse and keeps growing. They cook the books at year end to hit their numbers and the executives are all sleazeballs with no true pharma or business experience (we liked to call them the post turtles- don't belong up on the post, sure as hell don't know how they got there, and no way of getting down anytime soon). Good luck if you are interested working at this place...glorified call center.

Happy to find this site ... good to know there are others out there with the same view of this Exploitive, Unethical company. ICare is a joke! At the Canadian Distr. Centre I worked @ they hired mostly Ethnic minorities who were grateful for a job & don't know their rights. Is this site safe from Mckesson tracing IP addresses & harrassing those who post. I will be back to say MUCH MORE if it's safe.
but they were too cheap to buy a broom to sweep the warehouse ... the one provided was 2 feet high with a broken handle ... Great if you're a midget (no offense intended to short people). The warehouse was FILTHY & EXTREMELY HOT ... ALOT of COUGHING, SNEEZING, ALLERGIC TYPE REACTIONS ON SHIFT & LINGERING HEALTH ISSUES. POOR AIR QUALITY, NO VENTILATION ... GOOGLE .. PHARMACEUTICAL DUST.

Yeah ICARE is a joke. It used to be a nice company, where you could join for a career. Now employees are just disposable fixtures . They are heavily into offshoring and really don't care.The CEO though is one of the highest paid CEOs in the whole of the USA. Suck you dry.

McKesson is a joke. Well maybe joke is the wrong work. There is nothing funny about how horriable they treat people.

The only funny part is that they are getting hit with a huge class action lawsuit at Moore Medical. For setting up one of the few minority that they did hire.

I hope it that cost them big bucks......

I am a new rep with McKesson and can someone tell me what the monthly cost for a customer would be if they want Access Health? I have been told multiple things. Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks!!!

What a joke and disaster, Hammergren gets $131,000,000 for one year and we get the very small crumbs. What has this douche bag done to deserve this type of money or any at all. If he had to get in the field and earn his keep, he would be on food stamps. What a shame to have this jerk at the head of this company.

Re: McKesson sucks board!!!

McKesson management is incompetent at specialty care solutions. Integrity hotline has no integrity, it's a joke to promote the service. Managers/Supervisors protect their jobs by lying about others on reports, falsifying reports, making derogatory comments about their people, anything to cover their backs. Management is not qualified and HR covers up for them, which is why the company is so incompetent. Good people leave or get forced out because management/supervisors don't know how to lead and want to protect their jobs - intimidated by competent professionals.

Knew of several outstanding sales professionals, top producers, well liked and respected by others on their team and very good at what they do. Management/Supervisors were intimidated and had all sorts of personal problems but they could abuse their power and the company let them which will come around one day and bite McK in the ass--- just like it did Enron.

I couldn't have said it better myself. What a disappointment...I am astonished at how unprofessional and incompetent upper management is...and if you happen to be bright and competent, you are considered a threat - and they WILL find a way to get rid of you. The word "Leadership" is tossed around loosely yet they don't have the first clue of what a true leader is.

Re: McKesson sucks board!!!

McKesson management is incompetent at specialty care solutions. Integrity hotline has no integrity, it's a joke to promote the service. Managers/Supervisors protect their jobs by lying about others on reports, falsifying reports, making derogatory comments about their people, anything to cover their backs. Management is not qualified and HR covers up for them, which is why the company is so incompetent. Good people leave or get forced out because management/supervisors don't know how to lead and want to protect their jobs - intimidated by competent professionals.

Knew of several outstanding sales professionals, top producers, well liked and respected by others on their team and very good at what they do. Management/Supervisors were intimidated and had all sorts of personal problems but they could abuse their power and the company let them which will come around one day and bite McK in the ass--- just like it did Enron.

I couldn't have said it better myself. What a disappointment...I am astonished at how unprofessional and incompetent upper management is...and if you happen to be bright and competent, you are considered a threat - and they WILL find a way to get rid of you. The word "Leadership" is tossed around loosely yet they don't have the first clue of what a true leader is.

I worked at Mckesson socal D.C just a little insight more than 3/4 of there employees hate it ops is a joke they sit around talking all night in the office then come out when D.O or assit D.O is there HR is all working for the managers there facilities maintenance regional manager is a high strung 420 case that no one seems to care there maintenance team is severely underqualified which there manager would know if he ever came in the it was not only the worst job experience i have ever had i just transferd to another local mck and the difference is night and day there is no room to grow because Management is so poisoned there from ops to facilities got love the D.O And Assit D.O. by the way god bless those customers from Mckesson. Long live Pedro