Mayne Pharma Contract

Same thing in our district. One of my teams best rep was let go. We all think experience and the lack of ability to mold someone into what you want did it. The rep was confident and a leader. Two traits a manager here doesn't want.

Mayne is a good company as long as you do what you're supposed to and that's get the business! I think there was a lot of drama I remember when I worked there for Owen the Western Region had some sort of fight at our Pres Club dinner... yikes that's embarrassing that adults can not behave in front of the entire company! I heard Aaron Tubbs is the new Director of Sales this is GREAT for the company he is a cool guy. However word is his replacement for DM is Erica H one of the big drama starters... that move doesn't make sense to me but everything comes full circle she won't last as DM!

Oh gawd what a mess! As if the West Region wasn't already sticking out like a sore thumb mostly blondes and a lot of drama when I worked there and now they're promoting one of them to DM! Give me an f***ng break! Was the hot Erika H promoted or that other one? Good luck unless they find a new outside manager the team will fall apart at the seams and tank unless AT plans to still manage from afar.... what else has changed seems like all managers have shifted!

The NE manager AD is one you need to stay away from! He was only a rep for a brief period and has no clue on how to manage people! He only hires white women under 28 who kiss his ass!

Two words....FUCK MAYNE!!! What company hires and fires new reps who have just started in New territories within 5 months of fieldtime. Looks really promising for company morale when upper mgt lies to your face about everything that has to do with the IC plan and where the goals came says they want to "empower reps"...nothing but lies I tell ya. Have fun selling shit products for chunk change and driving a shit Nissan rouge you could lease for less money than what they take out of your paycheck for....

Anyone know what happened wth the DM for DC territory (Dave)? There’s a vacancy for a district sales manager for the territory. How’s this territory doing and what happened w the last DM?

They will spin it as it's for car maintenance monitoring but when you look closer as to what it is you will see micro-managing. Tracking where you are at all times, the speed you drive, your acceleration, and more. The vehicle trackers will make this a terrible place to work as big brother is watching you.

They will spin it as it's for car maintenance monitoring but when you look closer as to what it is you will see micro-managing. Tracking where you are at all times, the speed you drive, your acceleration, and more. The vehicle trackers will make this a terrible place to work as big brother is watching you.

If you are going out everyday and working, what’s the problem? They are paying you to work, so go out and work. Geez, not that difficult!

Mayne is a good company as long as you do what you're supposed to and that's get the business! I think there was a lot of drama I remember when I worked there for Owen the Western Region had some sort of fight at our Pres Club dinner... yikes that's embarrassing that adults can not behave in front of the entire company! I heard Aaron Tubbs is the new Director of Sales this is GREAT for the company he is a cool guy. However word is his replacement for DM is Erica H one of the big drama starters... that move doesn't make sense to me but everything comes full circle she won't last as DM!

Very high turnover under Aaron.. WHy?