go back to your failing pink sheet scam jbi, briggs, and quit posting here like you know anything about pharma what so ever and amarin in particular... just saying
I am a rep. I do not have a crystal ball and I do not have anyone on the inside handing me information.
I tok this job because I read the data in MARINE, ANCHOR and JELIS. I read the SPA in regards to the ANCHOR indication.
I believe this drug has a pretty bright future, even if generic lovaza is going to be earlier than previously expected. My concern is the management team.
It appears, from reading the posts on this thread, that someone made a statement that ANCHOR will not be approved. NO ONE THAT WASTES TIME ON THIS SIGHT KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT THE FDA WILL DO, nobody, period.
Some positions are being backfilled, in fact, some regions are adding people. You are right though, some positions are NOT being backfilled. Why put a rep in a territory that did not perform and the rep either quit because $63,000 doesn't cut it and if not selling anything, they were not making a bonus OR the rep was fired because they weren't selling. Let's face it, this drug has a good clinical story, lovaza has been the only game in town for a long time and there are docs willing to write it simply becaue there hasn't been a choice until now. If you are not selling any Vascepa, you deserve to be fired. If it is your territory that sucks, then why would anyone back fill that territory? Spend our money somewhere else.
Most the reps want to be the Amarin to be bought or get laid off so they can look for a better job.
First, most us did not read the data prior to being hired. That's bull crap. We took the job because we needed at job. You seem to "know" a lot about fired reps, territories that don't perform, not working, backfilling etc. especially since you say NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING. You talk out of your ass, both sides of your ass! Bla bla bla, bla bla bla...
Most the reps want to be the Amarin to be bought or get laid off so they can look for a better job.
You are not vested for four years so forget those stock options. If you make it until Jan 2014 you get 250 stock options at $6.00. Whu hu!
They are coming. Why do you think they keep pulling the threads? They don't want the truth to be out.
Not me I actually believe in the product, I just hope that the company has the patience to allow us to grow.
Generic Lovaza is a great thing! Where are all those Glaxo trolls now? Hmmmm
Generic Lovaza is not a great thing- we will be selling in a 3rd Tier or Step Edit once the dust settles
I want to cash out my stock options and find a new career.
Generic Lovaza is not a great thing- we will be selling in a 3rd Tier or Step Edit once the dust settles
Correct! Finally, someone else gets it.
Ha! Have you seen the managed care inroads AMRN has made with Vascepa. To add, once ANCHOR is approved, Vascepa will be the only Omega-3 indicated for TG's from 200-499 mg/dl.