Is this not a good company to work for? The company I work for was just acquired by Mallinckrodt ? What should we expect ? Help!!
Wow!!! Thanks so much!! I haven't worked for big pharma in a very long time. I was worried because all the posts here were so negative. I realize most people on Cafepharma are the ones that are not happy. It's always a little stressful being the reps that come over to the company that did the buying. We have a great culture at Cadence and we don't want to lose that to big pharma. We have heard that Mallinckrodt was big pharma. Thanks for the info!
See you later because 180,000 with any pharma company this day and age is a pipe dream, Say goodbye to your nice easy cushy job. The way the FDA is not letting you do lunch and learns with the Sunshine Act which applies to every company. I don't understand how Cadence Pharma did not have to obey with the Sunshine Act is just not true. Good luck Cadence Sales Force because you will not see that 180,000 plus ever again. Good Day and good luck with getting that huge salary.
You are clearly a moron and wouldn't ever achieve 180k if it bit you. Top reps make that ALL the time ...even at the big pharma companies like BMS, J&J , Genetench, cel gene etc. how do I know? I have several friends in the industry and that kind of money is expected for a seasoned rep. So shut your whiney ignorant hole as you are completely naive and no idea what an experience rep makes. Cadence like any other pharma company complies Sunshine. Go away little contract rep. Go away. You're a contract rep and nothing more for a reason.
Not to jump in on the argument but I worked at Celgene made presidents club 2 out of 4 years and didn't make more than $130,000
Mallinckrodt is an organization with vision and a strategic growth plan for the next 5 years. If you have not been with a growing company and do not adapt to change, this is not a place for you. I am thrilled to be part of an organization that has a focused plan. If you are not this person, you should also seek opportunities elsewhere.
LOL well, that is a funny statement. Either you are a terrible negotiator or just plain terrible. I know 4 reps that work at Celgene. All of their bases are higher than 130k. Makes me guess you are a complete liar.
Or maybe the 4 reps bs you and you are stupid enough to believe it. I got an offer at Celgene about a year ago and the offer was 88k and ended up declining
That is not true.
Thanks Mr. Trudeau
I am new in Mallinckrodt (in Argentina), and my read is that Mallinckrodt is in the right way to achieve their focused plan.
Unfortunately, many people does not realize that nothing is for ever. And if you want to keep in the crest of the wave, you need to keep looking for new ideas every day!
Many things to change, It is another culture! It is a new company.
In a changing world, to do the same thing all the time, it is the same to be a step behind your competitors.
It is not a company for persons that just looks for a salary every month.
We need new solutions for old problems.
"A calm sea never made a skilled sailor"
Eduardo Tedeschi