Mass Exodus at CLPLST

It appears that Coloplast is maintaining its reputation as a stagnant old boys' club. The pervasive racism, narcissism in management, and open nepotism really create a welcoming atmosphere, don't they? If anyone is considering a position there, I would strongly advise against it.
I haven't experienced that...I've seen "protected classes/minorities" get promoted recently - especially in the Surgical Urology Division. What division are you in?

It is advisable to prepare for potential layoffs at the upcoming National meeting. While the Cancun trip may be enjoyable, it is important to brace oneself for the impending news that may come as quite a surprise.
This is an ignorant statement. Everything related to reorganization has already been completed - with only one layoff. I feel like the company has gone above and beyond to keep people during this time where the economy has gotten, let's just say, extremely soft (so as not to offend the Bidenomic proponents that might read this...cough cough recession cough). :D

It is advisable to prepare for potential layoffs at the upcoming National meeting. While the Cancun trip may be enjoyable, it is important to brace oneself for the impending news that may come as quite a surprise.
This was 100% true.....Skin Care product line sold to Medline, WSC division cut in half with 40 field sales employees affected.

With the skin care division formally sold off to Medline, the remaining TMs are left with a focused wound care product that has ~1% market share and went through 3 failed product launches. The unethical nature of the leadership team has left the field questioning the future of this once great division. Plan accordingly.

With the skin care division formally sold off to Medline, the remaining TMs are left with a focused wound care product that has ~1% market share and went through 3 failed product launches. The unethical nature of the leadership team has left the field questioning the future of this once great division. Plan accordingly.

It all starts at the top. She's uninformed, unqualified, and defensive about it.

It appears that Coloplast is maintaining its reputation as a stagnant old boys' club. The pervasive racism, narcissism in management, and open nepotism really create a welcoming atmosphere, don't they? If anyone is considering a position there, I would strongly advise against it.
Cute. What are your pronouns? Do you identify as a single overweight woman with cats?

It appears that Coloplast is maintaining its reputation as a stagnant old boys' club. The pervasive racism, narcissism in management, and open nepotism really create a welcoming atmosphere, don't they? If anyone is considering a position there, I would strongly advise against it.
Very well said! The daily bull shit here smells!

This organization cannot be trusted. They will tout that they are a fair company, but are far from it. Middle Management was a strong point for this division for many years, however the current leadership has diminished their ability to fight for the right thing to do for the TMs. Loyal TMs will continue to be a slave for this company, but other rising stars will figure out shortly if they haven’t already that this is not an ethical company.

This organization cannot be trusted. They will tout that they are a fair company, but are far from it. Middle Management was a strong point for this division for many years, however the current leadership has diminished their ability to fight for the right thing to do for the TMs. Loyal TMs will continue to be a slave for this company, but other rising stars will figure out shortly if they haven’t already that this is not an ethical company.
Very true. Current leadership is in opposition to the traditional company ethos.