Mark is gone finally

At least Mark was anti big Pharma. Robinson is big Pharma. Going to be an interesting year. Already being told who to sample and how many calls to make. The stock is worth shit, so if they push matrixs, why stay?

If you can’t take a little direction you should leave. Go find a job that pays as much as Alkermes for employees who haven’t hit their number for 3 years. It doesn’t exhist

miss quota for three years and then go to the whip by implementing more controls and metrics. Your average people could care less as they like their check. Your top performers are demoralized and will take their show on the road. The answer is not micromanagement it’s being realistic in setting appropriate expectations. Until that happens nothing will change. And at the end of the day nobody at the top gives a shit about anyone but thems lives and their options. Wake up and smell the coffee

Setting realistic goals is the key. Asking territories to grow 40-50% a quarter is ridiculous. Especially the ones who were hitting goal and carrying the volume. It’s a joke.
Try giving the reps. the tools to succeed, not a package insert at launch. Or not telling us the 882 actually isn’t 30 mg or that you need to inject rapidly or it will clog. Matrixs will solve all these problems.

At least Mark was anti big Pharma. Robinson is big Pharma. Going to be an interesting year. Already being told who to sample and how many calls to make. The stock is worth shit, so if they push matrixs, why stay?
Mark was anti sales and anti anyone not as smart as him (nobody is as smart as Mark, just ask him). It’s not just that, he is pro Andrew. That alone should have got him fired years ago. Good riddance!

At least Mark was anti big Pharma. Robinson is big Pharma. Going to be an interesting year. Already being told who to sample and how many calls to make. The stock is worth shit, so if they push matrixs, why stay?
Agreed. Big Pharma mentality is not sitting well with top performers. The volume increase for goals is unrealistic. At least mark understood that. This new guy is betting on old school Claritin metrics. Just another allergy itch in our side. There’s a high demand for good reps and it’s getting harder to buy into the bs we have been given.

Setting realistic goals is the key. Asking territories to grow 40-50% a quarter is ridiculous. Especially the ones who were hitting goal and carrying the volume. It’s a joke.
Try giving the reps. the tools to succeed, not a package insert at launch. Or not telling us the 882 actually isn’t 30 mg or that you need to inject rapidly or it will clog. Matrixs will solve all these problems.
40-50? I have not heard this. Is my manager withholding again? This is hard to believe.

Agreed. Big Pharma mentality is not sitting well with top performers. The volume increase for goals is unrealistic. At least mark understood that. This new guy is betting on old school Claritin metrics. Just another allergy itch in our side. There’s a high demand for good reps and it’s getting harder to buy into the bs we have been given.

Bullshit. Mark is a micromanaging pussy. If you believe he is what leadership looks life then you need to go
And carry his golf clubs and polish his balls. I promise you you’ll go far if you do that. Wake up. Alks is amateur hpur. The new gent form “big pharma”
Has his shit together and that’s why Pops hires him
Pops is smart. Out of touch with day to day and that’s why MS lasted
Long as he did. At least now their is hope. And if you don’t like him I vote for SC.

The Vibe Attracts The Tribe. How many of the tribe will follow this great man to his next opportunity? I for one will miss the condescending brillance he brought to every interaction

Agreed. The SRD's and DBL's are know it all's and it is hard to deal with egos when we are on the front lines working hard. It is depressing. I think the leadership is v bad.