Marco Rubio, Deadbeat?

Here we go again - It is more of the same from 4DView/ILA - Whenever he gets called out for trying to disgiuse his opinion as fact, the false allegations and attacks are sure to follow. The world according to 4DView has his always right and any opposing 'views' are deemed lies by this individual. It is a predictable and pathetic pattern that has played out many times here on CP and 4DView/ILA has proven not worthy of any sort of civil debate. He has gotten broken off, which is even worse than being put on ignore.

Let's see how fast he jumps on this reply to provide prrof to my above response with more attacks, false allegations and weak attempts to malign other RP's.
You know, that equine thing you've got going on is cool, and I almost commented on it. But, I've attempted civil discourse with you in on two separate occasions recently, and my attempts were met with the same derisive hate speak that you used in this one.

Tell, me BN, when have you tried having civil discourse with me, and why should I give a shit about you?

Here...You've got two ways to go with this. Post your attempts at civil dialogue with me, OR post any proof of your claims that I have ever lied.

Are you man enough? Or, will you just blabber and lie to cover up your deep, deep insecurities.

A certain RP wonders why I will not engage in civil debate with him - The above attack laden post (common for him) is all one has to read in order to understand why he has gotten broken off. I responded in kind on this thread after multiple attacks by 4DView. Try as he might, 4D can't have it both ways. I feel kinda sorry for him as his negative responses continue to pile up. Although we obviously disagree on politics, I am sure that 4D has some very positive and redeeming qualities.

TGIF to all the readers - Have a great weekend!

A certain RP wonders why I will not engage in civil debate with him - The above attack laden post (common for him) is all one has to read in order to understand why he has gotten broken off. I responded in kind on this thread after multiple attacks by 4DView. Try as he might, 4D can't have it both ways. I feel kinda sorry for him as his negative responses continue to pile up. Although we obviously disagree on politics, I am sure that 4D has some very positive and redeeming qualities.

TGIF to all the readers - Have a great weekend!
So does this mean you admit you can't defend calling me a liar?

Absolutely, it means you can't.

And, you're not man enough to stop or you would provide proof.

A very 'rich' response coming from you - I didn't call you a liar on this thread. But since you are bent on taking my words out of context, and trying to make your perception into reality, lets review:

My statement on this thread:

And you will have the likes of 4D running with whatever supports his 'views' - Truthful or not.

The 'Truthful or not' is in reference to you running with whatever sources that support your 'views', whether those sources are truthful or not. I didn't call you a liar - You really need to stop taking other RP's words out of context - It has become a very predictable pattern that usually ends up with you hurling false charges and engaging in personal attacks. This case is no different.

Also, sit down and think of what YOU have called others who you percieved as taking something out of context - It goes straight to the root of your serial hypocrisy in always thinking that your 'views' are always right. I don't expect you to man up and walk back your false allegation that I called you a liar on this thread - I really could care less - The readers can be the judge, in this case, as it is clear that you are barking up the wrong tree and trying to make a big deal out of something that never happened.

I am sure that you wil try to wiggle out of this with more of the same act that we have come to expect from you - Denial, attacks and false allegations. I would hope that you would instead move forward and attempt to engage in debate and discussion that is devoid of your tired and worn out personal attacks, but I won't hold my breath.

A very 'rich' response coming from you - I didn't call you a liar on this thread. But since you are bent on taking my words out of context, and trying to make your perception into reality, lets review:

My statement on this thread:

And you will have the likes of 4D running with whatever supports his 'views' - Truthful or not.

The 'Truthful or not' is in reference to you running with whatever sources that support your 'views', whether those sources are truthful or not. I didn't call you a liar - You really need to stop taking other RP's words out of context - It has become a very predictable pattern that usually ends up with you hurling false charges and engaging in personal attacks. This case is no different.

Also, sit down and think of what YOU have called others who you percieved as taking something out of context - It goes straight to the root of your serial hypocrisy in always thinking that your 'views' are always right. I don't expect you to man up and walk back your false allegation that I called you a liar on this thread - I really could care less - The readers can be the judge, in this case, as it is clear that you are barking up the wrong tree and trying to make a big deal out of something that never happened.

I am sure that you wil try to wiggle out of this with more of the same act that we have come to expect from you - Denial, attacks and false allegations. I would hope that you would instead move forward and attempt to engage in debate and discussion that is devoid of your tired and worn out personal attacks, but I won't hold my breath.
Seriously? Are you that guy with a giant L on your forehead?

Seriously? Are you that guy with a giant L on your forehead?

As predicted, another weak personal attack - You have a bad habit of going there whenever you are proven wrong.

Show the board where I called you a liar on this thread or STFU.

Don't attempt to take my words out of context as you will become what you so decry.

Your insane therapy session is rapidly coming to an end.