Marcia Marcia Marcia

She acts like Galderma President at the meeting in Texas. Oh Marcia what do you know. Oh Marcia are our jobs secure. Oh Marcia can I move over to biologics.
Have another glass of wine and shake the Magic 8. ball for answers.

Well she didn’t know her entire team was getting laid off and she was getting demoted…so safe to say they know she is a blabber mouth. I would ask someone else. The next surprise layoffs her number should be called.

Still laughing at you Marcia.
Mais c'est la mort qui t'a assassinée, Marcia
C'est la mort qui t'a consumée, Marcia
C"est le cancer que tu as pris sous ton bras
Maintenant, tu es en cendres, cendres
La mort, c'est comme une chose impossible
Et même à toi qui es forte comme une fusée
Et même à toi qui es la vie même, Marcia
C'est la mort qui t'a emmenée

Let’s be civil. She has many years of service and is highly respected executive by most.
Her role is to calm everyone down and keep them working hard and not to worry about layoffs that are NOT happening.
NEMO is coming !

Let’s be civil. She has many years of service and is highly respected executive by most.
Her role is to calm everyone down and keep them working hard and not to worry about layoffs that are NOT happening.
NEMO is coming !
I agree, leave Marcia alone, but you are stupid if you think layoffs are not happening and Nemo is going to save the day. Dummy.