March Sales

I dont agree , how many reps are getting docs to write for 7 days, 10 days- were we trained on this?
The dosing for Zorvolex is 3 times a day . Explain how a rep can get equal credit for a 7 day RX .
Does the company not make more money off of a 30 day RX? Seems like the rep who had a doc write the 30 day RX should receive more credit than a 7 day RX?

I am not fortunate enough to be this 7-day rep, but I say go for it. The drug's indication and stocking support this type of scripting and if your physician can find a patient willing to pay the higher copayment for a 7-day xr! Go for it! They should get paid for accomplishing what the drug is intended for. No one in this company will argue with an Rx's for 7 days....except former poster... BooooHooo

I dont agree , how many reps are getting docs to write for 7 days, 10 days- were we trained on this?
The dosing for Zorvolex is 3 times a day . Explain how a rep can get equal credit for a 7 day RX .
Does the company not make more money off of a 30 day RX? Seems like the rep who had a doc write the 30 day RX should receive more credit than a 7 day RX?

3x a day what a joke!!!! no one will use your stupid product!!

New Q3 doc list available. Same crap docs we have seen for the last 6months plus the crap we can add with javelin. This stupid company will never get it. Salesmen go out and find sales, not follow a piss poor list with docs who have 20% commercial business. The most rep unfriendly company I've been with. FOR RENT: beautiful new office space available in the Philly Navy Yard. Only competent companies need apply. Free first month rent and all the 18 msg you can eat!