I dont agree , how many reps are getting docs to write for 7 days, 10 days- were we trained on this?
The dosing for Zorvolex is 3 times a day . Explain how a rep can get equal credit for a 7 day RX .
Does the company not make more money off of a 30 day RX? Seems like the rep who had a doc write the 30 day RX should receive more credit than a 7 day RX?
I am not fortunate enough to be this 7-day rep, but I say go for it. The drug's indication and stocking support this type of scripting and if your physician can find a patient willing to pay the higher copayment for a 7-day xr! Go for it! They should get paid for accomplishing what the drug is intended for. No one in this company will argue with an Rx's for 7 days....except former poster... BooooHooo