Seems we have a stalker, Libluvs! A crazy one, too, since you seem more on the conservative side than the liberal one!

Please! Who has time to be a "stalker"? I don't but I'm not retired and work hard at two jobs. In fact, CP could have an article written about them. Who would be motivated to make someone appear to be that way? Occam's razor - comes to my mind. If not, then you look for zebras.

Hint, Fucktard - guess who you just offended on the board you love. A medical practitioner who happens to live in the same area you do. I guess all that moonshine really did some damage to your neurons. . . LOL!

Occam's razor - who would post that? Think about it. I don't have time to sit on CP all day. Do you all work? I can barely get 6 hours a sleep a night after I finish my work. I'm not trying to be inflammatory but I think that you are implying something about someone that is way off base. My opinion only.

Fucktard -

HC is not me. We have no connection at all. What the heck is wrong with you? V, outed himself as a pfizer past rep as well as bubble buster. I never met GG and no nothing about her past. I picked up on a thread she wrote which contained some dark thoughts. In that ONE post to HER, I was trying to motivate her because she is gifted and talented. I meant no disrepect. In fact, I told her how bright and gifted she is. However, all of you had no problem calling me names and demeaning me. I reported NO ONE to CP. Who did you report? I was never a RP or have multiple RPs - do you?

Fucktard -

HC is not me. We have no connection at all. What the heck is wrong with you? V, outed himself as a pfizer past rep as well as bubble buster. I never met GG and no nothing about her past. I picked up on a thread she wrote which contained some dark thoughts. In that ONE post to HER, I was trying to motivate her because she is gifted and talented. I meant no disrepect. In fact, I told her how bright and gifted she is. However, all of you had no problem calling me names and demeaning me. I reported NO ONE to CP. Who did you report? I was never a RP or have multiple RPs - do you?

STFU you self obsessed no life internet loser. This is a sports thread not your personal soap opera site. No one gives a shit.

STFU you self obsessed no life internet loser. This is a sports thread not your personal soap opera site. No one gives a shit.

My bad. I thought this was the intellectual only board. I never make the same mistake twice. Loser...I'll add that to my personal failures/multiple nicknames list. LOL!!!

my disclaimer: I'm an anon poster and as such can post anywhere. I didn't offend anyone in my post. oh, this is via dictation, so spelling mistakes are often missed.

Keep it sports in here. I don't know who the fuck you are and I don't care to get involved.

Bronco's back (better late than never)

Here is the winner board for the Sweet Sixteen:



What happened to Tinker's picks?

Sorry I missed the Elite 8.

Let me know if you want a FINAL FOUR thread.