Mandatory liptruzet teleconf rep who said it all


My new hero is the rep who said it like it is to the marketing folks moderating the teleconference. She was brave, accurate, and my new hero. Woman you need a raise and we need leaders like you. Please get a job in a powerful position at merck. You can make a difference! I am so impressed by you.


Good for her!!! Can you name who it was or what she said? Unfortunately for her, she probably has a huge red target on her back now. Courage and candor are just buzz words for Merck - not actionable items!!! Best of luck to this person!!!

She started with vioxx recall, januvia and cancer, and now liptruzet. She went on and on and on telling them that this is embarrassing and that our customer DONT trust us. She said what EVERY one of us were thinking but only she had the courage. God I wish I knew who she was and thank her.

If I were her boss, I would give her a big raise but you know instead she will get a bad year end rev for being honest and showing courage and candor.

I will hire her in a minute if I could!!

Damn...too bad this woman didn't call from a pay phone and used a voice changer to disguise her voice!!!

If I was gonna spout off like she did...That's what I would've done!

Was she REALLY terminated for speaking her mind?? Her fault, if so! She should have taken extra steps to keep from being identified!

I doubt that she's gone already. They'll start to apply the pressure now. She'll be able to do nothing right. She'll get an investigation, then a PIP. Next, her colleagues will ostracize her, making her emotional toll even greater. Then she will quit, just like Merck intended.

It will all take less than a year. It's the same recipe that the company has followed for literally thousands of sales reps over the last few years.

FU Merck. You've lost your soul.

I doubt that she's gone already. They'll start to apply the pressure now. She'll be able to do nothing right. She'll get an investigation, then a PIP. Next, her colleagues will ostracize her, making her emotional toll even greater. Then she will quit, just like Merck intended.

It will all take less than a year. It's the same recipe that the company has followed for literally thousands of sales reps over the last few years.

FU Merck. You've lost your soul.


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