Mandating vaccine for all employees?

If you feel your freedom is repressed by getting a vaccine to protect yourself and others...

you might be a dumbass.

These are the people who have a degree in art, packaging, and communication. Not the people who have real graduate science degrees that know how to understand a scientific paper because they actually did research.

Instead, the idiots posting their "antivax pride", attempt to convince a doc the 4 patients out of 5000 had this AE, and why it's not a big deal.
Same f*cking thing people. Might as well stop taking tylenol and motrin for your work headaches, as that kills more people than any vaccine AE ever.

These are the people who have a degree in art, packaging, and communication. Not the people who have real graduate science degrees that know how to understand a scientific paper because they actually did research.

Instead, the idiots posting their "antivax pride", attempt to convince a doc the 4 patients out of 5000 had this AE, and why it's not a big deal.
Same f*cking thing people. Might as well stop taking tylenol and motrin for your work headaches, as that kills more people than any vaccine AE ever.

So true. Remember when the measles starting creeping back in due to anti-VAX nut jobs? Whooping Cough for crying out loud? Would we still be dealing with the horrors of polio if 1950s parents had not volunteered their children for a novel and experimental vaccine? mRNA technology is not "brand new".

Go ahead and keep up your conspiracies. Poop your intestinal lining out and flush it away (its worms, right?? LOL).

No - it's patently true and in the courts now.

And now the vaccine is a "preventative" like what, aspirin? So who the hell mandates an aspirin? I bet 50% of the people who got the crappy jabs never knew it doesn't stop transmission and that they're signing up for an assembly-line factory of boosters each season. Wow - they're so amazing.

Don't forget they're only 39% effective against the Delta...just wait 'til Lambda hits and all the other variants
You almost seem delighted by this. Covid’s little cheerleader

Vaccine mandates reinforce and expand government control and loss of freedoms. The same Marxists pushing the divisive white privilege narrative are also pushing the vaccine mandate. They don’t discriminate..they want absolute power. Yours and mine. Divided we fall.
I am a conservative who moved my kiddo out of a school because they were teaching critical race theory. But I support vaccine mandates because I’m simply not a dumbass