Managers Ranges 68-75 K. Holy Shit. Only Losern Need Apply


Forget the salary, SIP, etc lets talk dress code. To be a manager YOU MUST, I SAY MUST, have smokers breath and big smokers stains on the fronts. You should wear brown shoes with your black suit every day. Always slick over your cool comb over. We all see you coming! I dont tell just anyone these tips. These are essential to land a manager job with a CSO. Best of luck buddy.

as DM you get 3 -4 weeks 'home' office days preparing for a 1 and half day district meeting to 1) review change in Viz Aid , older lady on cover is now changed to african american couple riding bikes and 2) review reach and frequency, signature goals the last 5 minutes will be reviewing IC plan and cleaning up target lists.

My manager in Philly has a fairly large wanger. Actually it is huge. He showed it to me while we were having lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse. I fainted over my stuffed mushrooms just looking at that bad boy.

NEWS FLASH! These aren't positions anyone strives for! No one WANTS this work. Some of us had no choice. Managers make 1/2 of a real manager else where, reps make 1/2 or 1/3 or a real rep. On and on.