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Managers Being Asked To Give Full Court Press On Reps


Senior management wants CTLs to stay on top of reps and ride them hard over the next two weeks. They want to make sure reps aren't disengaged. Be prepared for strategy discussions, more activity trackers, and more pressure.


This is loonie.
Already we have projects and too much extra work, field and computer. Then....we get canned!

....sounds like they think a few flunkies are takin' advantage of the countdown. Most of the more serious types are working as much as usual...they need their bonus to be worth something, not chump change!

Bottom line.....the flunkies are the same flunkies everyone knows about...they will play find me forever. Best strategy is not to ride with managers.....its a simple click, turning on the GPS!!

Already happening with all these learning modules and teleconferences and they are preparing to cut 1/4 of the salesforce! Plus have you seen all the tests we have to take with compliance and CIA, FBI & others! Guess they are trying to make everyone that has to leave glad they are leaving!

Senior management wants CTLs to stay on top of reps and ride them hard over the next two weeks. They want to make sure reps aren't disengaged. Be prepared for strategy discussions, more activity trackers, and more pressure.

Senior management is Mr El-Dada and he always gets what he wants. The CTLs are under a lot of pressure so be smart for once and re-engage. For heavens sake, at least speak up on conference calls and share your success stories on MVX. But you probably won't will you Losers?

Senior management is Mr El-Dada and he always gets what he wants. The CTLs are under a lot of pressure so be smart for once and re-engage. For heavens sake, at least speak up on conference calls and share your success stories on MVX. But you probably won't will you Losers?

You're joking, right? "Share your 'success' stories"? Are you f--king kidding me? "Speak up on conference calls"? Are you serious? Jesus, you're as stupid as the day is long. Just keep the charade going. That will help.

Senior management is Mr El-Dada and he always gets what he wants. The CTLs are under a lot of pressure so be smart for once and re-engage. For heavens sake, at least speak up on conference calls and share your success stories on MVX. But you probably won't will you Losers?

Success stories are against policy 1-B idiot

Yes...don't you know 'success' is against Mercks creed! We are supposed to win Mercks way which means damn luck! No success stories, no relationships (business), just the bland ole worthless glossie from wp/ug and can you write more scripts! No wonder docs don't like to see reps anymore! Thirty years ago we were information specialists on our drugs and how they were being used! Think of it we just quit being of any use to our customers except delivering samples and doing lunch! Although the docs never do they can read the package circular and for us to just recite bullshit from the circular is a waste of their time and mine! Why don't we have real medical information, timely studies and those things that will again make us useful to our customers? Oh Shit I guess that's what they call 'trial lawyers'!

Yes...don't you know 'success' is against Mercks creed! We are supposed to win Mercks way which means damn luck! No success stories, no relationships (business), just the bland ole worthless glossie from wp/ug and can you write more scripts! No wonder docs don't like to see reps anymore! Thirty years ago we were information specialists on our drugs and how they were being used! Think of it we just quit being of any use to our customers except delivering samples and doing lunch! Although the docs never do they can read the package circular and for us to just recite bullshit from the circular is a waste of their time and mine! Why don't we have real medical information, timely studies and those things that will again make us useful to our customers? Oh Shit I guess that's what they call 'trial lawyers'!

THIS IS THE POST OF THE DECADE! If "senior management" had any clue whatsoever, they would take notes here and learn something. Of course they won't, because current senior management is comprised of the legal dolts that think this productive activity is too risky. So as a result, they will just let the company collapse. Educated dumbasses!

THIS IS THE POST OF THE DECADE! If "senior management" had any clue whatsoever, they would take notes here and learn something. Of course they won't, because current senior management is comprised of the legal dolts that think this productive activity is too risky. So as a result, they will just let the company collapse. Educated dumbasses!

Another reason, although yours is a great one, is we don't do so many trials anymore. And the ones we do have going are out to CROs and we don't get the interim info like we used to. I worked on many of those trials back in the early 2000s and we were running many, many more trials across a much broader and diverse set of compounds and looking at interim data all the time. Now it's one, maybe two trick ponies (hep and pd1) and the rest be damned. Too risky to marshal all resources behind two targets we clearly lag on. I guess we like being #2.

I'm engaged with field visits, reports, tests, expense reports, veeva, irep, & webex. I do not have time to see more that 2-4 customers per day

Let's be honest here. There isn't a rep in the country that actually "sees" 2-4 customers per day. Spare us the bull squat about the "calls" the reps get. Running around begging for signatures---that's what reps do. And it's not their fault that this is what they've been turned into.

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