Managers be warned

Re: Managers (And Directors!!) be warned

Mr. Sidney Taurel, Chairman of the Board/CEO
Eli Lilly Board of Directors
Dr. John Lechlieter, President/CEO
Ms. Deirdre Connelly, President-US Operations
Mr. Enrique Conterno, VP US Neuro Business Unit
Mr. Dave Noesges, Executive Sales Director – Neuro West Region
Human Resources Department – US Operations

Just curious what happened with this since several people mentioned above are no longer at Lilly.

Or you can put your big girl panties on and leave.

No, I won't leave.
I'm sure those of you who continue to suck down corporate Kool-Aid from Lilly's proverbial teat would love nothing more than to stifle each of our voices of dissent.
Tough... and I am wearing my big girl panties.

I happen to respect the leadership and principles upon which Eli Lilly was founded- those which today's leaders aren't capable of understanding: loyalty, service, innovation, humanity, honor, and the value of a hard day's work.
All any of us want is a restored sense of pride in being associated with this once-great company, and we know we won't have that until people like you are gone.

Put your big girl panties on????? Really?? Whoever posted this is a trashy generic form of the director being discussed. You are the one who belly laughs at eveything higher management says national meetings. You are the one who would come up with a tracker for a sales tracker if you thought it would further your career. You are the one who dances at those same meetings until 2:00 in the morning in hopes that someone will just notice and validate how super awesome you think you are.. I bet you wear affliction shirts too, doucher... Maybe you should go back to selling cars..... Prick.. Put your big girl panties on? What an idiot...

This post is pathetic. You sound like whining little prima donnas. My guess is everyone that posted here is a weak female who can't handle pressure! If you don't like it here: GET OUT...this ain't jail baby can get out for FREE. No one cares about your manager complaints. What were you doing before this job? Chances are you would never go back to that job, or any other job before that. Stop whining, get in your company car, take your kids to school, get your nails done SHUT UP!

Dude your lips are stained from too much Koll Aid...... A-HOLE

I was told my letter resurfaced. Just glad the troll got what he deserved.

As for my big girl panties, I did put them on and leave this stinking company. There's no reason for a rep to be treated with the total lack of respect this man dished out. Oh, and my territory was in the top 5% when I did leave.

Love it!!!!!!

It was a GREAT letter 3 years ago, and it is still a GREAT letter today! I love the person that wrote it! I hate what Wesley Sackrule inflicted on so many good reps, including myself. Fortunetly leaving Lilly was the best thing that happened to me and I'm sure the best thing that happened to many other former Lilly Reps. To all those reps who took his fire over the last 7 years... GOOD JOB! It is now over!

Curious. You speak about what HE did to you. What role did your manager play? Seems hard to touch someone from two levels away.