Managers as friends in the OBU


I can tell you exactly why the OBU is in decline. The managers, or buisiness directors as they call themselves, are trying too hard to be friends with all their reps instead of being coaches and MANAGERS! I am a rep and I have never seen someone try as hard as my boss does to be my friend. I even told her I would like some "feedback" on my performance but she just can't coach. Now in her defense she took a number of years off to be a stay at home mom, which is admirable, but did you lose all your guts in the meantime. Our team is doing good relative to the rest of the OBU but come on VH (the ZD) help us out by coaching her. I'm sick of work field rides taken up by personal stories and fluff when I need help performing even better. Some may say to just be quiet, we're doing well...but imagine how well we'd be doing if our manager cared more about coaching us than she does about being our friend? It is possible to do both but now it's very o e sided.

I can tell you exactly why the OBU is in decline. The managers, or buisiness directors as they call themselves, are trying too hard to be friends with all their reps instead of being coaches and MANAGERS! I am a rep and I have never seen someone try as hard as my boss does to be my friend. I even told her I would like some "feedback" on my performance but she just can't coach. Now in her defense she took a number of years off to be a stay at home mom, which is admirable, but did you lose all your guts in the meantime. Our team is doing good relative to the rest of the OBU but come on VH (the ZD) help us out by coaching her. I'm sick of work field rides taken up by personal stories and fluff when I need help performing even better. Some may say to just be quiet, we're doing well...but imagine how well we'd be doing if our manager cared more about coaching us than she does about being our friend? It is possible to do both but now it's very o e sided.

If you're a seasoned rep and can't figure out how to be better yourself, there's nothing your manager can do to or tell you that will help you really. Now if you're a newbie yes.

I personally don't feel that my manager in my car is helpful, they're just checking a box.

I can tell you exactly why the OBU is in decline. The managers, or buisiness directors as they call themselves, are trying too hard to be friends with all their reps instead of being coaches and MANAGERS! I am a rep and I have never seen someone try as hard as my boss does to be my friend. I even told her I would like some "feedback" on my performance but she just can't coach. Now in her defense she took a number of years off to be a stay at home mom, which is admirable, but did you lose all your guts in the meantime. Our team is doing good relative to the rest of the OBU but come on VH (the ZD) help us out by coaching her. I'm sick of work field rides taken up by personal stories and fluff when I need help performing even better. Some may say to just be quiet, we're doing well...but imagine how well we'd be doing if our manager cared more about coaching us than she does about being our friend? It is possible to do both but now it's very o e sided.

This is such a recycled post....

The poster obviously should not be in sales. Loser get a life and quit posting BS about this manager. She is well liked and respected. Why don't you go practice your details in front of the mirror or watch Charles Charles videos.

this poster is clearly another manager. "I need coaching" if this is actually someone in sales get a new job. Most of us endure our field rides, put on a show and can't wait to get back to a normal day without being shadowed. If you're lucky you have a good one who can contribute to conversation or actually try to build a real relationship with docs and not stand there silent watching your every move... then maybe they add value that way. But for the most part it's s burden we all have to endure and most are terrible at their jobs. "I need coaching". Unless you're new this isn't the career for you

this poster is clearly another manager. "I need coaching" if this is actually someone in sales get a new job. Most of us endure our field rides, put on a show and can't wait to get back to a normal day without being shadowed. If you're lucky you have a good one who can contribute to conversation or actually try to build a real relationship with docs and not stand there silent watching your every move... then maybe they add value that way. But for the most part it's s burden we all have to endure and most are terrible at their jobs. "I need coaching". Unless you're new this isn't the career for you
Exactly, thank you.

There are very few accounts that need or want a visit from a RM. The perfect situation is an RM that comes in on a day that's convenient for the rep, meets with that one account that needs or wants them there, then spend the remainder of the field time helping the rep in areas THE REP NEEDS, not checking a box that they rode with us. I could use help looking at managed care possibilities and strategizing on where or how I can get more scripts. I already know how to sell. That's why they hired me. Please don't waste my time and my customers time because upper management thinks it's what you need to do. Upper management pretty much sux at getting anything right. Help me with the things that will benefit me and in turn you. Some reps may need help in customer interactions, but honestly if they do they shouldn't be here.

So managers. Step up to the plate and become managers and leaders. Stop with this outdated stand there and listen while your rep talks to the doc. It's fake fake fake and does no one any good. Ask your reps what they would benefit from. Most of us need help with the auxiliary things. Vital signs, managed care, targeting. Help us where we need it. Stop with the immature or lack of management skills. Learn to be effective and see your bonus go up. Stick with the same old crap and get nothing.

The poster obviously should not be in sales. Loser get a life and quit posting BS about this manager. She is well liked and respected. Why don't you go practice your details in front of the mirror or watch Charles Charles videos.

Thanks for discrediting my feelings on leadership here. Not everyone obviously 100% agrees with me or you. At least you deserve to be here. I just don't like the look aid as much as you.

There are very few accounts that need or want a visit from a RM. The perfect situation is an RM that comes in on a day that's convenient for the rep, meets with that one account that needs or wants them there, then spend the remainder of the field time helping the rep in areas THE REP NEEDS, not checking a box that they rode with us. I could use help looking at managed care possibilities and strategizing on where or how I can get more scripts. I already know how to sell. That's why they hired me. Please don't waste my time and my customers time because upper management thinks it's what you need to do. Upper management pretty much sux at getting anything right. Help me with the things that will benefit me and in turn you. Some reps may need help in customer interactions, but honestly if they do they shouldn't be here.

So managers. Step up to the plate and become managers and leaders. Stop with this outdated stand there and listen while your rep talks to the doc. It's fake fake fake and does no one any good. Ask your reps what they would benefit from. Most of us need help with the auxiliary things. Vital signs, managed care, targeting. Help us where we need it. Stop with the immature or lack of management skills. Learn to be effective and see your bonus go up. Stick with the same old crap and get nothing.

This is the exact reason for my original post. I wish my RM would help in any way other than comments complaining about their personal life and why they're living here now because their husband's job making them move here. Go back the big city you came from.

Yes. Stopping talking about my RM like this. She is a hard working mom who needs a break from children. We are her break. So what if she cares more about personal issues than she does about work. We don't need the help anyway. We're #1 in the country. Always have been and will continue to be. Other districts are truly jealous of us. I have an idea...why don't the rest of you cry babies go back to your districts and continue to not perform and figure out a way to not be a part of the next "lack of performance layoffs". Let me know how that goes. #nextbottom20%goneinSeptember.

Well if you really want to know why NC is number 1, look up their unrestricted commercial access to Xiidra vs other states in the country.

Not true. She's #1 because she works harder than other RMs in this company. She will soon be the ZD once they get rid of the "yes man" in ATL.
This is not chance or managed care access my friends, this I said the result of hard work and dedication. Live with it.

Well if you really want to know why NC is number 1, look up their unrestricted commercial access to Xiidra vs other states in the country.

It's a function of her performance and a fucked up IC plan. I'd would assume she has more D bucket reps than others in the nation. Ranking is based on payout and we all know y bucket reps got raped on IC. Regardless, it takes a real fucking, chickenshit loser to troll on this site bashing NC. She's a good person. Have the courage to talk garbage to her face instead of slandering her anonymously. Do us all a favor and die in a horrific car accident.

Not true. She's #1 because she works harder than other RMs in this company. She will soon be the ZD once they get rid of the "yes man" in ATL.
This is not chance or managed care access my friends, this I said the result of hard work and dedication. Live with it.

So defensive. Very strange. I'm going to guess the IP address from this post matches the woman being discussed. Just a guess