Manager wants 3 field days/month with reps

What a dumb comment. We’ve been back in the field two months now! The virus isn’t slowing down it’s escalating! All the providers I talked to today were really busy and tired. Many are talking about Covid burn out. AZ has repeatedly said to be empathetic toward offices. Having a field day like it’s “business as usual” is NOT sensitive to the current environment.


The managers and the reps on this thread are both right. Recently retired from this JOB and very happy to be out of it. I find it amusing to see my old friends fighting about this or that.

This, is a PANDEMIC. Reps are right because they are LISTENING to their customers. They are actually being patient-centric or at least practice-centric. They see it all first hand every day. They have brain to know they are NOT a front line provider nor a 1st responder. They are simply a pharmaceutical representative marketing approved drugs, period. And they know they can only, legally, talk within the bounds of the PI in this day and age, sample, provide food, etc. The VALUE is very low for what we get paid as reps and managers. You are incredibly LUCKY to have a job in this high risk, but actually decedent, wealthy industry we call PhRMA.

Managers typically over manage, micromanage, manage only to what they know and are comfortable with, manage to what marketing espouses. But they are right - do the best you can every day, every office, every face to face or virtual call that you can. This is not rocket science. It is simple sales and marketing of drugs that do have a place. And, at any time, do it safely on the road and around people.

The managers and the reps on this thread are both right. Recently retired from this JOB and very happy to be out of it. I find it amusing to see my old friends fighting about this or that.

This, is a PANDEMIC. Reps are right because they are LISTENING to their customers. They are actually being patient-centric or at least practice-centric. They see it all first hand every day. They have brain to know they are NOT a front line provider nor a 1st responder. They are simply a pharmaceutical representative marketing approved drugs, period. And they know they can only, legally, talk within the bounds of the PI in this day and age, sample, provide food, etc. The VALUE is very low for what we get paid as reps and managers. You are incredibly LUCKY to have a job in this high risk, but actually decedent, wealthy industry we call PhRMA.

Managers typically over manage, micromanage, manage only to what they know and are comfortable with, manage to what marketing espouses. But they are right - do the best you can every day, every office, every face to face or virtual call that you can. This is not rocket science. It is simple sales and marketing of drugs that do have a place. And, at any time, do it safely on the road and around people.
Nobody wants your opinion, boomer! Take your meds and watch Wheel of Fortune.

Nobody wants your opinion, boomer! Take your meds and watch Wheel of Fortune.

Snowflake actually his or her comments are very good. Basically we are lucky to have this job considering what value we bring...both to our company and our customers. You think you are respected and/or sell anything. LOL think again. Do your job collect your pay and figure out a strategy when the shit hits the fan.

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