Manager wants 3 field days/month with reps


In today’s environment we are lucky offices are letting 1 of us in. But bringing in your manager is a little much I would think, and I like my manager. Not to mention it increases the chance of bringing Covid into the office. AZ started off great but now the pressure is on and it’s a little much. I’m appreciative of having a job and working and don’t mind working even though the numbers are steadily increasing. Come on AZ, please give us some breathing room. Offices are stressed and so are we. We don’t need the additional stress with constant field rides.


In today’s environment we are lucky offices are letting 1 of us in. But bringing in your manager is a little much I would think, and I like my manager. Not to mention it increases the chance of bringing Covid into the office. AZ started off great but now the pressure is on and it’s a little much. I’m appreciative of having a job and working and don’t mind working even though the numbers are steadily increasing. Come on AZ, please give us some breathing room. Offices are stressed and so are we. We don’t need the additional stress with constant field rides.

This is an HR issue. There is no way you can maintain a 6 foot distance with the manager

This is an HR issue. There is no way you can maintain a 6 foot distance with the manager
I would suggest that you tell your manager that you are concerned about him/her riding in your car being so close to you. You need to tell the manager that if they want to work with you they need to follow you in their car.

I would suggest that you tell your manager that you are concerned about him/her riding in your car being so close to you. You need to tell the manager that if they want to work with you they need to follow you in their car.

This is CLASSIC bullshit Pharma. You really don't need a manager if you know how to really sell (granted that is 5% of us) and have a real, honest work ethic (that's 2.5% of us). So, I guess you do need a manager following you around like a Parent following its kids on an old newspaper route. Spit out marketing PI garbage. Paint pictures well within the lines. Have a nice socially distanced lunch. Kiss their over confident, self absorbed rear. Play politics anyway you have too. Try really hard for a day. Go home knowing you really got this tough job down. What a hollow job that pays so well. We are so important. Meanwhile the front line providers and first responders are actually at high risk every day, all day and deliver real care. We just market baby food.

What you say is entirely true. I agree 100% of you. Perhaps your percentages are a bit high but OK I'll go with them. You are like so many at AZ. Been around awhile making great money but hate the boring micromanaging bullshit. You hate it but won't leave because like me you sold out for a paycheck. Quit your bitching and ride it out my friend it's only a job.

What you say is entirely true. I agree 100% of you. Perhaps your percentages are a bit high but OK I'll go with them. You are like so many at AZ. Been around awhile making great money but hate the boring micromanaging bullshit. You hate it but won't leave because like me you sold out for a paycheck. Quit your bitching and ride it out my friend it's only a job.

Yep, only a J O B. Management acts like it's neurosurgery. LMAO at District Sales Managers.

I would suggest that you tell your manager that you are concerned about him/her riding in your car being so close to you. You need to tell the manager that if they want to work with you they need to follow you in their car.

Not only being in the car... but being in the office breathing over your neck.

90% of my offices are now no see until further manager rode with me two weeks ago...I took him to 8 offices that wouldnt let us back and did a two hour wait virtual lunch where one NP showed up eventually. He hasnt asked to ride with me again.

I had a similar situation working with my DM. Worked all day one virtual lunch that was awful. I know stock is doing well pipeline is great word from management is always positive. The company has treated us well during this pandemic. I just wonder how long this can go on. Paying thousands of reps who are spinning their wheels out there basically accomplishing nothing. The virus is no where near being over. It doesn't take a Harvard MBA to see that the future isn't very rosy. What do others think?

I had an office go “no manager” today because a rep brought in his manager and the office thought that this was extremely insensitive considering what they are going through. They said that they are being sensitive to our needs by letting us in but bringing in your manager just shows the insensitivity on the part of the company. We need to be sensitive to what they are going through. AZ just doesn’t seem to get that.

I had an office go “no manager” today because a rep brought in his manager and the office thought that this was extremely insensitive considering what they are going through. They said that they are being sensitive to our needs by letting us in but bringing in your manager just shows the insensitivity on the part of the company. We need to be sensitive to what they are going through. AZ just doesn’t seem to get that.

Are you fucking kidding me? We have been sitting home since March, getting paid and our bonus and you said AZ doesn’t get it, you stupid ungrateful dumbass!!! Wake the fuck up and be very thankful. Now get your ass in gear and go to work and stop your bitching.

In today’s environment we are lucky offices are letting 1 of us in. But bringing in your manager is a little much I would think, and I like my manager. Not to mention it increases the chance of bringing Covid into the office. AZ started off great but now the pressure is on and it’s a little much. I’m appreciative of having a job and working and don’t mind working even though the numbers are steadily increasing. Come on AZ, please give us some breathing room. Offices are stressed and so are we. We don’t need the additional stress with constant field rides.

Network you way out of big pharma because the work environment will never get better.

Your manager is doing this to show his boss that he is productive and essential.

He or she is not, of course.

Managers are useless in sales with the exception of managing for companies with 20 something year-olds that are new to selling.

Now, you are just going to have to play the game at this point. So, just route your day with lots of driving and get organize yourself to show that you are busting your ass.

That is what this is all about at this point: show them that you are busy all the time. That doesn't mean you have to be busy. Just give off the impression that you are busy, and that will keep you employed with any company for a long time.

Are you fucking kidding me? We have been sitting home since March, getting paid and our bonus and you said AZ doesn’t get it, you stupid ungrateful dumbass!!! Wake the fuck up and be very thankful. Now get your ass in gear and go to work and stop your bitching.

What a dumb comment. We’ve been back in the field two months now! The virus isn’t slowing down it’s escalating! All the providers I talked to today were really busy and tired. Many are talking about Covid burn out. AZ has repeatedly said to be empathetic toward offices. Having a field day like it’s “business as usual” is NOT sensitive to the current environment.

Is there any other job more useless than that of DSM? I can not think of any

You can't think of any job more useless than DSM? Gee, put your thinking cap on. How about the cheerleader rep or Charlie didn't shave this morning rep who rides around surfing for signatures and whose sales presentation is "Need any Symbicort samples?" The longest running and most popular thread on CP is the "all day lie" and you think the DSM job is useless? LOL I agree the sales model we use today is totally out of date and will change but look who is calling the kettle black.

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