Manager Competencies

How many once great reps have been run off by insidious managers? Do I need to start naming names of reps (or managers?) Whoever thought it was a good idea to have managers control a reps destiny based upon subjectivity really missed the mark.

WOW can you use more of an oxymoron statement?
My manager is just that a manager, he thinks that he is a great people person yet he is so inept at his job that he has routine statements that he asks so he can fill a box. What a complete idiot. His shadow scares him.

At Merck, the only attribute that seems to matter the capability to suck up to equally vapid managers and to obey slogans unwaveringly. No management expertise required, no true management development given, no trial period or probationary review. Merck always has believed that those that have it have in their blood. Their management is as ad hoc and amateurish as anyone could imagine. Sincere, respectable folks would never want to take such jobs so you already have selected for some level of misery when they are chosen to be managers. And if they really are losers, they only get worse as their inferiority complex kicks in.

Dopey manager now questioning reps for not getting by 9 or 10....Geeeeez doesnt even think we have telconferences, sample load ups, rome deliveries, administrative crap, traffic and damn sitting in offices waiting...and no sample calls..WTF?

Dopey manager now questioning reps for not getting by 9 or 10....Geeeeez doesnt even think we have telconferences, sample load ups, rome deliveries, administrative crap, traffic and damn sitting in offices waiting...and no sample calls..WTF?

In the end most FBEs average about same time in totals for field, computer and the other field work, but could be arranged differently on the clock. No normal routine for anyone in sales.

Sounds like we are slipping back to reach and frequency. CTLs all of a sudden doing "business reviews" with reps to review call logs, others seeing the same thing??

Freq and reach is in Quest but this could lead to less of the longer consultant rep calls. Miscellaneous extra chores bottleneck most days for everyone.

My old manager did not have any competencies. None but vapid regurgitation of our DCO. Buzz words used in conversation that had no place in the conversation but where put there to take up space. I guess that the manager must have gotten nmip points for reciting these DCO buzz words. Michael Scott made more sense than my old manager. I feel for all those left to work for my former boss. It is a mind numbing and soul wretching experience.

That's a real hoot! Incompetent managers are the rule at Merck rather than the exception and the reason is that regional directors who've been promoted under the same principles don't need a thinking person looking over their sholder! Managers are not even doing the basic job of supervising their reps and being a resource! Now it does not matter, look at what we've hired and promoted in the latest round of 'fiasco of the year' changes! Everything will change again next year cause management has no clue or direction and making changes always looks like the MBA's are doing something! Another spreadsheet, another tracker, back to reach and frequency, more meaningless teleconferences with someone's children and a dog barking in the background! We've hired idiots that don't even know how to 'mute' a telephone! Yes Charles Dickens "God bless us everyone"!

That's a real hoot! Incompetent managers are the rule at Merck rather than the exception and the reason is that regional directors who've been promoted under the same principles don't need a thinking person looking over their sholder! Managers are not even doing the basic job of supervising their reps and being a resource! Now it does not matter, look at what we've hired and promoted in the latest round of 'fiasco of the year' changes! Everything will change again next year cause management has no clue or direction and making changes always looks like the MBA's are doing something! Another spreadsheet, another tracker, back to reach and frequency, more meaningless teleconferences with someone's children and a dog barking in the background! We've hired idiots that don't even know how to 'mute' a telephone! Yes Charles Dickens "God bless us everyone"!

same situation in MRL........