Manager behavior

Management: an inflated title of perceived authority consistent with constant job rationalization and sacrificial ass kissing. Enables unwanted sexual advancement that, though documented and properly reported, is instead rewarded with more entitlement, only to be lifted up as an example of “leadership” for all to follow. Self-preservation at its finest. All hail Shire management.
Advice! Treat others as Chick-fil-A treats you!!

Shire Management Advice to Reppies: It often takes painful situations in life for us to become aware again of the abundance and magical opportunities life provides us. Many times we wait until something dramatic happens before we tune into the beauty and magical experiences of life on earth. We hide from the rain instead of feeling the deliciousness of letting her touch our bare skin. We tend to not to work too hard or focus intensely on personal growth at the gym that it becomes an obsession and we dig ourselves so deep into all the things we think we need to do, that we forget to enjoy this very moment. We forget that each moment we have on earth is an absolute gift waiting for us to be seen and fully lived. We wear ourselves out while we search for love, wealth, acceptance and by holding on to the past or fears, all things that can be healed and released if we give ourselves this opportunity and commit to it. Why do we wait to fully live and enjoy life? Why do we sabotage ourselves and get in our own way? Is it true that we have to wait until everything is perfect or can true fulfillment be found in each moment? Good Selling!

This sums up some of the best leaders I have had the opportunity to work with at Shire. They pushed me. You know who these people are. A leader is a person you will follow to a place you wouldn't go by yourself. Happy Txgiving!

So my manager committed a compliance infraction at one of my dinner programs last month. I've been mulling over the idea of calling compliance. Yes or no? I'm leaving the Co next week

Here is a great cost saving idea to ensure the reps actually in their territories WORKING, we should have them attach ankle monitors each morning and then we are able to easily tract their movement. Ankle bracelets for the reps!!!!

That wouldn’t work for one lying, lazy Maryland rep in particular. They’re always at home- putting in office calls- when in actuality they are phone calls. They know that their friend, who happens to be the ZD will protect them.

I’ve been doing this for 14 yrs. 2/10 managers are excellent, the remaining 8 are horrible. The problem is lack of accountability and the disconnect between what a company thinks is a great manager and what an effective one actually is.

I’ve been doing this for 14 yrs. 2/10 managers are excellent, the remaining 8 are horrible. The problem is lack of accountability and the disconnect between what a company thinks is a great manager and what an effective one actually is.
Couldn't agree more! I've had a handful of great managers as well but that's it