management in the field

Weeding out incompetent managers and reps like you! Get on with your life and try to not be a hater!

Umm, still here sweetheart. The only thing she (but really PS working the strings) has weeded out is people who threaten her. Shire has already lost very strong people both in the field and Chesterbrook. KK is a very insecure child and is just not good at leadership. Face it, hundreds if not thousands in this organization agree. Just look at the posts on here.

Umm, still here sweetheart. The only thing she (but really PS working the strings) has weeded out is people who threaten her. Shire has already lost very strong people both in the field and Chesterbrook. KK is a very insecure child and is just not good at leadership. Face it, hundreds if not thousands in this organization agree. Just look at the posts on here.

Hey Big Mouth: Why don't you call KK directly and tell her your concerns! Oh I see, you are a gutless slimy frat boy and can't talk to the boss! Go crawl back into your gutter of hate!! I am so sick and tired of all of the complainers at the Shire. Go out and achieve and you won't have to hate everything. Do you beat your dog? See you sicko at our next meeting and get ready for a good old fashion Southern "wuppin"!!

Hey Big Mouth: Why don't you call KK directly and tell her your concerns! Oh I see, you are a gutless slimy frat boy and can't talk to the boss! Go crawl back into your gutter of hate!! I am so sick and tired of all of the complainers at the Shire. Go out and achieve and you won't have to hate everything. Do you beat your dog? See you sicko at our next meeting and get ready for a good old fashion Southern "wuppin"!!

Yes now I see. You're from the south and have been making huge bonuses all because of where you live and your tremendous access. Not to mention the comp plan is significantly in your favor. Therefore KK has been blowing smoke up your ass about how great a "performer" you are and you actually believe it. Meanwhile you can't even attend a lunch without getting bbq sauce all over your pants. The only ass you're kicking is your toothless wife. But my beef isn't with you, you're too insignificant to me. My beef is with the absolutely horrible leadership that is here. They suck and I'm outta here. But first I have to color code my itinerary and lunch spreadsheet.

Surrounded by idiots!

When will management realize that them riding in the field all the time is doing nothing but going to get reps thrown out of offices. No value having management in cars all the time. Doctors will start shutting doors if management doesn't get a clue! Watch the faces of offices when two suits walk in the door. It's not the welcome wagon.
Rd's need to have some guts and take a stand and tell management this is ridiculous tracking and ranking rd ride days in the field. Quit being yes men and women to upper management. Check the box.