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Management development reps were mapped


This is the stupidest thread ever. Yes, those who are in SMDP most likely have a steady stream of 3s for sales #s and VBs.

Why do you even respond with this comment? Some reps have been in "management development" for years and do nothing special nor do they bother to finish since there's no sense in finishing.

Why do you even respond with this comment? Some reps have been in "management development" for years and do nothing special nor do they bother to finish since there's no sense in finishing.

To be in SMDP, you have to maintain a certain # of 3s. So, in a layoff, they look at ratings and most keep people with 3s.

So, SMDP candidates get mapped.

Pretty simple.

Once you complete MDP, you don't get it taken away from you that you finished it if you get a 1. It's only those in middle of MDP that get kicked out with a 1. Therefore you can have rep that completed MDP 3 years ago with a poor rating a year ago.