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Management development program complete BS


You mean to tell me Richard r smith is now a vp of this company after being a rep for less than two years and never going through management training but now novartis has guidelines of a 3-2, 2-3 or 3-3 for last 3 years to be considered for management development?!?!? What a joke. You have to be able to squeeze diamonds out if your ass as an executive sales consultant you still can't get a 3. 50% of this sales force is executive now and less than 5% are allowed to receive 3 in v and b. wake up novartis. Such a joke. So I've been a stein performer or superior performer for 10 years but Conrad, Richard r, Matt, Sam, jeff p are all in management positions? No wonder this company's leadership sucks and is laughable to other companies. Fuck you novartis.


You mean to tell me Richard r smith is now a vp of this company after being a rep for less than two years and never going through management training but now novartis has guidelines of a 3-2, 2-3 or 3-3 for last 3 years to be considered for management development?!?!? What a joke. You have to be able to squeeze diamonds out if your ass as an executive sales consultant you still can't get a 3. 50% of this sales force is executive now and less than 5% are allowed to receive 3 in v and b. wake up novartis. Such a joke. So I've been a stein performer or superior performer for 10 years but Conrad, Richard r, Matt, Sam, jeff p are all in management positions? No wonder this company's leadership sucks and is laughable to other companies. Fuck you novartis.

so true. Lots of these guys have been protected for too many years and bring nothing to the table ever.

You mean to tell me Richard r smith is now a vp of this company after being a rep for less than two years and never going through management training but now novartis has guidelines of a 3-2, 2-3 or 3-3 for last 3 years to be considered for management development?!?!? What a joke. You have to be able to squeeze diamonds out if your ass as an executive sales consultant you still can't get a 3. 50% of this sales force is executive now and less than 5% are allowed to receive 3 in v and b. wake up novartis. Such a joke. So I've been a stein performer or superior performer for 10 years but Conrad, Richard r, Matt, Sam, jeff p are all in management positions? No wonder this company's leadership sucks and is laughable to other companies. Fuck you novartis.

If our current leadership was held to the same management development standards that currently exist (deadline to apply is 10-30) none of them would be managers. How many reps have received a consecutive "3" as a part if their rating for the past 3 years. Disturbing, pathetic, and as poster said "laughable" considering we work for novartis. I hope every manager with any ounce of integrity rakes the severance and gets out. They treat us like scum but expect loyalty. Idiots.

My 0.02 is that the MDD is NOT meant to develop you. Want to get promoted?

#1 Work harder on yourself than you do your job. Take on a tough assignment, do a HQ rotation. transfer to another part of the country.

#2 Get an MBA or an MS and not from some online BS college. A REAL university. Let NVS pay for 10K every year.

#3 If you wanna promote you gotta move.

How can you expect to develop and promote by eep being a rep year after year after year? Get a clue idiots!!!

Why do any of you want to stay in Novartis or the Pharma industry? It is all BS. Use you free time as a rep to start a side business which can become your full time job. If you can't manage your own business are you really a Manager? Pharma managers are babysitters. Management is overrated anyway