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Managed Markets … where us Mark?


If he has that much free time, maybe he should consider going back to school for a MBA. I would think his degree in Elementary Education is holding him back. I mean, how does that translate to a Pharmaceutical Executive role? We’re not doing times tables here!

Mark’s climb up the corporate ladder had nothing to do with business acumen (which … to the extent it exists in some form or fashion … is obviously lacking). Good time Gimbert did it the old school Takeda way. It is truly a shame the organization turned a blind eye and actually promoted this guy. Shame on Takeda. He is a true coward, a liar and the day might come when I choose to expose him for what he really is. You sweating yet, Mark? Relax, Mark … go tee it up at Ivanhoe.

Managed markets in this company aren’t worth a sh*t. ELT goes to Hawaii every year but if you’ve worked anywhere else you know TAKEDA MM is the only place where sales people can’t speak to them. duh. they have no market sense no competitive instincts we get beat all day on coverage cuz our contracting stinks

Mark’s climb up the corporate ladder had nothing to do with business acumen (which … to the extent it exists in some form or fashion … is obviously lacking). Good time Gimbert did it the old school Takeda way. It is truly a shame the organization turned a blind eye and actually promoted this guy. Shame on Takeda. He is a true coward, a liar and the day might come when I choose to expose him for what he really is. You sweating yet, Mark? Relax, Mark … go tee it up at Ivanhoe.
You won’t do anything, you’re worthless. Just go STFU!!

Do we even have a managed markets team anymore? If we do, we never know what is happening before it happens. Transparency at its finest Takeda. Keep up the good work. Trim this lazy fat!

If he has that much free time, maybe he should consider going back to school for a MBA. I would think his degree in Elementary Education is holding him back. I mean, how does that translate to a Pharmaceutical Executive role? We’re not doing times tables here!

And yet, there he is in an executive role. Meanwhile, you are just some bitter, middle aged tool stuck in a primary care rep role with no hope of ever being promoted. Jealous much you pathetic loser?

And yet, there he is in an executive role. Meanwhile, you are just some bitter, middle aged tool stuck in a primary care rep role with no hope of ever being promoted. Jealous much you pathetic loser?
Not of him, no thank you. Anyone who laughs at a female colleague losing her teeth in an awkward fall at a sales meeting is a disgusting excuse for a human being

And yet, there he is in an executive role. Meanwhile, you are just some bitter, middle aged tool stuck in a primary care rep role with no hope of ever being promoted. Jealous much you pathetic loser?
Bragging about being in “an executive role” at Takeda!?! That’s like bragging about being an Oncology rep at Syneos. Where’s all your peers that you started with? Seems like quite a few took their skills and QUALIFICATIONS to other bigger and better opportunities. I guess it’s hard to compete without any formal business or science educational background. Sigh…..

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