Every man or woman for themselves. Jumping out of a sinking ship. Less than 5 originals. Not enough hot air to blow up any more life boats. Please be patient as management gets their hot air in order.
If you’re one of the originals (hired in 2016) and you’re still here, know that you’re yesterday’s news. Have some self-respect and pride; time for you to go. Don’t let Opko treat you like a POS. It’s downhill for you here beginning this week.Every man or woman for themselves. Jumping out of a sinking ship. Less than 5 originals. Not enough hot air to blow up any more life boats. Please be patient as management gets their hot air in order.
what’s wrong with the 5 originals? they are set in their ways complacentEvery man or woman for themselves. Jumping out of a sinking ship. Less than 5 originals. Not enough hot air to blow up any more life boats. Please be patient as management gets their hot air in order.
5? I counted less than 5, but maybe I missed. Complacent? No. More like disappointed in the company’s direction 4 years later. But, maybe this is no longer the place to be for the 5. They’ve certainly outgrown Opko or Opko left the train station without them on board.what’s wrong with the 5 originals? they are set in their ways complacent
OPKO is a train wreck with Frosty as the engineer. Bail.5? I counted less than 5, but maybe I missed. Complacent? No. More like disappointed in the company’s direction 4 years later. But, maybe this is no longer the place to be for the 5. They’ve certainly outgrown Opko or Opko left the train station without them on board.
A third string company with a third string manager.5 sounds right. Patty can’t count. Add that to the list of her accomplishments in less than a year here.
It’s possible that it was CB who counseled this RSS to leave Opko now knowing there’s no future here. Just saying.The very first RSS (one of the originals) resigned last week. This individual was very close to CB. Is this a sign of what to expect for the remaining RSS’s?
As long as Frost is breathing.The very first RSS (one of the originals) resigned last week. This individual was very close to CB. Is this a sign of what to expect for the remaining RSS’s?
You are correct. We won’t make it to the end of the year.It’s possible that it was CB who counseled this RSS to leave Opko now knowing there’s no future here. Just saying.
Do you really want a car from these cheap asses? Hello stripped down Ford Fusion.BTW, crickets on the 501c3 fix. Haven’t even addressed it since announcing. We’re doomed. Oh, but you’ll get a company car!
Do you really want a car from these cheap asses? Hello stripped down Ford Fusion.
Just goes to show the caliber of OPKO employees. Goes hand in hand with the lousy company. Hire crappy reps, this is what you get.
Careful who you say that to I resemble that remark!Just goes to show the caliber of OPKO employees. Goes hand in hand with the lousy company. Hire crappy reps, this is what you get.
Lol. The relationship is overstated. CB could not have cared less about RB resigning or he would have made him an associate managerIt’s possible that it was CB who counseled this RSS to leave Opko now knowing there’s no future here. Just saying.
Ray did worship CB for far too many years, long before opko. He was let down.Lol. The relationship is overstated. CB could not have cared less about RB resigning or he would have made him an associate manager