Major Re-org

If a Re-org is in the horizon then why the hell these DSMs and CBDs seem so happy? They are talking about positive changes - are they being fed some creative BS that they are buying into, or just drinking normal AZ Kool Aid?

I have never in my entire career seen Kool Aid flow like it does at AZ. Wow. My boss must bathe in the stuff.

Where in the hell do you all come up with this shit? Good thing about pharma everyone is a CEO,investor,math major, ZS employee, and lastly an inside HR person. Fucking greatness!

When you get out of AZ and into the rest of the world (ROW), you're going to learn that the same issue exists. Everyone is the smartest person in the room, or the World. Americans are arrogant as hell. People on disability income only are arrogant -- they rationalize that life ain't fair -- it's not their fault!!!

From someone who is there now.

Count your blessings and prepare for the disaster that our government is in the process of creating.

My feelings exactly. The poster must be a DSM or CBD swimming in the AZ Kool Aid pond. A true MORON.

Of course your DSM or CBD is super positive and supportive of every decision that is handed down to them. That is how they got their jobs in the first place. They weren't necessarily good at the PSS role or their previous jobs but Lord they knew how to play the AZ game well.
Never ever ask a challenging question particularly at a meeting or in front of anyone senior to your boss's boss. They are the spirit bunny cheerleaders you knew in High School. We can do it, yes we can!! If we can't beat them nobody can!!!

Of course your DSM or CBD is super positive and supportive of every decision that is handed down to them. That is how they got their jobs in the first place. They weren't necessarily good at the PSS role or their previous jobs but Lord they knew how to play the AZ game well.
Never ever ask a challenging question particularly at a meeting or in front of anyone senior to your boss's boss. They are the spirit bunny cheerleaders you knew in High School. We can do it, yes we can!! If we can't beat them nobody can!!!
You left out the part about taking credit for the accomplishments and hard work of others while stabbing the real producers in the back lest they take away your chance at that big promotion.
That is how it works at AZ. Nice culture huh???

You left out the part about taking credit for the accomplishments and hard work of others while stabbing the real producers in the back lest they take away your chance at that big promotion.
That is how it works at AZ. Nice culture huh???
Strong leaders groom those below them as successors while weak and paranoid leaders look for talent and destroy them as threats to their throne. Instead of selecting talent they look for ass kissers and toadies who will cover for their own insecurities in exchange for a free ride in their jobs. Now guess which one AZ is.

Do they drill down in the focus surveys and identify who the responses come from? With the last part of the survey, we are easily identifiable. My responses were positive for the most part, but I wish I didn't complete that section.

The surveys would most certainly be worse if people didn't fear some form of retaliation for their responses. During the last section I have actually lied for fear of recognition, especially at my age. There are so few of us in certain corners of specialty.

This SHOULD be the last post to kinda sum things up. It's clear and evident AZ has zero reasons or intentions to have any layoffs for like a long time. For goodness sakes, extending contract reps (contracts) for 2 years should be the writing on wall that it won't happen. So, all of you with many years in AZ that are thinking oooooh I'll wait till self ID rears its head again=freedom. We'll , you couldn't be more wrong.

You legacy folks had your chance to get out in 2011. But now you know that opportunity to leave with many months of severance is finished. You're stuck for the foreseeable future. So just do your job, or someone half your age will do it gladly with much less pay. AZ obviously has the RIGHT number of reps in place to drive portfolio growth. Prediction: safe until Crestor goes generic 2016?
IF loss of revenue is NOT replaced with increased $$$& of current said portfolio IE offsetting the loss, then and only then might we see head count reductions. Be thankful we're in this industry (still) and this company. Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it! What other industry offers the rewards like pharma? Sure, it's different now, but ya gotta admit, it ain't too shabby.

This SHOULD be the last post to kinda sum things up. It's clear and evident AZ has zero reasons or intentions to have any layoffs for like a long time. For goodness sakes, extending contract reps (contracts) for 2 years should be the writing on wall that it won't happen. So, all of you with many years in AZ that are thinking oooooh I'll wait till self ID rears its head again=freedom. We'll , you couldn't be more wrong.

You legacy folks had your chance to get out in 2011. But now you know that opportunity to leave with many months of severance is finished. You're stuck for the foreseeable future. So just do your job, or someone half your age will do it gladly with much less pay. AZ obviously has the RIGHT number of reps in place to drive portfolio growth. Prediction: safe until Crestor goes generic 2016?
IF loss of revenue is NOT replaced with increased $$$& of current said portfolio IE offsetting the loss, then and only then might we see head count reductions. Be thankful we're in this industry (still) and this company. Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it! What other industry offers the rewards like pharma? Sure, it's different now, but ya gotta admit, it ain't too shabby.

Oh wise one, Seroquel XR goes in 2016 as well as Crestor, and very soon after that, Symbicort, or maybe sooner if there is a successful patent challenge.

This SHOULD be the last post to kinda sum things up. It's clear and evident AZ has zero reasons or intentions to have any layoffs for like a long time. For goodness sakes, extending contract reps (contracts) for 2 years should be the writing on wall that it won't happen. So, all of you with many years in AZ that are thinking oooooh I'll wait till self ID rears its head again=freedom. We'll , you couldn't be more wrong.

You legacy folks had your chance to get out in 2011. But now you know that opportunity to leave with many months of severance is finished. You're stuck for the foreseeable future. So just do your job, or someone half your age will do it gladly with much less pay. AZ obviously has the RIGHT number of reps in place to drive portfolio growth. Prediction: safe until Crestor goes generic 2016?
IF loss of revenue is NOT replaced with increased $$$& of current said portfolio IE offsetting the loss, then and only then might we see head count reductions. Be thankful we're in this industry (still) and this company. Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it! What other industry offers the rewards like pharma? Sure, it's different now, but ya gotta admit, it ain't too shabby.

Chuurch!! I ain't mad about being here; I've worked in more intense places for far less money. There was a time in my past retail management life where it was blasphemous to utter, mumble or think the word "vacation" in the months of November to February. Calling in sick would get you shunned during those months. And there was no real bonus for that dedication except a "we made it party" after 50 hour work weeks. Year end review? On a scale of 1-5 you still got 4 because 5 means no improvement is needed, you are God and no one is God; "everyone needs improvement." Sound familiar? Holiday shutdown?! Get out of here with complaints and just ride this cart til the wheels fall off and make the extra bonus money if you can.