Major layout announcement 6/31

If there are miracles can we get one now!?!? Please let there be a layoff soon. I cannot take this company and its cult antics, it's disgusting. Please please please

Neither of us will be so lucky!

We will be retained and made to work harder!

Someone has to do the work of those receiving the reward!

Business News of Sunday, 2 July 2017


Pascal Soriot awarded Man of The Year, Business (Magnate Award)

The Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soriot will be awarded Man of The Year, Business (Magnate Award) on July 31 at the second edition of the Exclusive Men of The Year(EMY AFRICA 2017 AWARDS) at the Kempinski Hotel-Accra. The award was in recognition of his contribution towards Business and Development in Ghana and Africa.

Mr Soriot is invited to address guests and honorary awardees under the theme “The Role Of Responsible Men In Restructuring AstraZeneca to Build a Transparent Future”, the Executive Director of EMY Africa&Carbon AV Ltd/Managing Partner-EM Magazine, Mr Daniel Kojoh Soboh said, “as men, the need to fulfil our divine roles as fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, and other several responsibilities in society by way of providing leadership, mentorship, being providers, protectors and teachers cannot be over-emphasized. Therefore men who are recognized leaders, like Pascal, in contributing to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of their families should be called out for recognition”.

Mr Pascal Soriot said, "To be recognized for how international downsizing of our AstraZeneca saleforce has benefited the men and women of Ghana is a great honor. I am glad that our strategy is working somewhere."

Mr Soboh reiterated, “Platforms like the EMY AFRICA AWARDS that uncover the untold stories, celebrate the feat and recount the journeys of achievers we know can inspire and encourage others to aspire to be great. Our goals as an organization is to celebrate greatness and in so doing inspire great works. Long after this day Pascal's contributions to Ghana will be remembered. Perhaps no where else in the World has Pascal been more successful than here in our African country.”

The awards brought together politicians, Industry players, Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Celebrities across Africa. Winners at this years maiden events were His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor-Statesman/Leadership Award, Hon.Alban Kingsford Sumani Bagbin, Man of the year Governance, Mr. Hayssam Fakhry-Man of the year, Expat, Dr Joseph Siaw Agyepong-Man of the year,Business, Mr Bright Simons-Man of the Year,Technology,Mr Ernest Bediako Sampong-Man of the year, Health.

for those of us simply foaming at the mouth for a layoff the wait is just pure torture. Currently interviewing and hoping for an offer out of this hell hole of micro managers . Respiratory leadership in the east is so out of touch with reality it makes you wonder what rock they have been living under these last few years! Not enough docs, too many reps in a territory but let me sit around during the day killing time between offices twiddling my thumb so you dummies feel better that my day is full..good god- treat people like adults and you will get more out of them. It's called loyalty but every one thinks they are getting scammed out of hours a day. Sweet Jesus let this misery end. One more email from "dumont" will just put me over the edge- your not a manager anymore so STOP Already. She's another one who doesn't trust that her DSMs can get the job done so she has her hand in every cookie jar!!!

Business News of Sunday, 2 July 2017


Pascal Soriot awarded Man of The Year, Business (Magnate Award)

The Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soriot will be awarded Man of The Year, Business (Magnate Award) on July 31 at the second edition of the Exclusive Men of The Year(EMY AFRICA 2017 AWARDS) at the Kempinski Hotel-Accra. The award was in recognition of his contribution towards Business and Development in Ghana and Africa.

Mr Soriot is invited to address guests and honorary awardees under the theme “The Role Of Responsible Men In Restructuring AstraZeneca to Build a Transparent Future”, the Executive Director of EMY Africa&Carbon AV Ltd/Managing Partner-EM Magazine, Mr Daniel Kojoh Soboh said, “as men, the need to fulfil our divine roles as fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, and other several responsibilities in society by way of providing leadership, mentorship, being providers, protectors and teachers cannot be over-emphasized. Therefore men who are recognized leaders, like Pascal, in contributing to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of their families should be called out for recognition”.

Mr Pascal Soriot said, "To be recognized for how international downsizing of our AstraZeneca saleforce has benefited the men and women of Ghana is a great honor. I am glad that our strategy is working somewhere."

Mr Soboh reiterated, “Platforms like the EMY AFRICA AWARDS that uncover the untold stories, celebrate the feat and recount the journeys of achievers we know can inspire and encourage others to aspire to be great. Our goals as an organization is to celebrate greatness and in so doing inspire great works. Long after this day Pascal's contributions to Ghana will be remembered. Perhaps no where else in the World has Pascal been more successful than here in our African country.”

The awards brought together politicians, Industry players, Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Celebrities across Africa. Winners at this years maiden events were His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor-Statesman/Leadership Award, Hon.Alban Kingsford Sumani Bagbin, Man of the year Governance, Mr. Hayssam Fakhry-Man of the year, Expat, Dr Joseph Siaw Agyepong-Man of the year,Business, Mr Bright Simons-Man of the Year,Technology,Mr Ernest Bediako Sampong-Man of the year, Health.

These are the variety of awards like Who's Who where a company gives a ton of money to the organization and presto, like magic the CEO gets an award. Same thing with the Awards for Diversity or Working Women, give them enough money and the company gets some phony recognition award. It is all total bullshit but he will probably get a medal to wear around his neck at social functions. That is the European's way of raising money. Like knighting someone Sir Paul McCartney or Sir Elton John so the celebs show up at their social functions.

Colin Kaepernick Travels to Ghana to Find His 'Personal Mentor' Pascal Soriot

Colin Kaepernick spent the Fourth of July in Ghana, where he traveled to find his "personal mentor".

The free-agent NFL quarterback posted a video on Twitter, asking, "How can we truly celebrate 4th of July a day that intentionally robbed our British rulers of their rights?"

He explained that he felt that he needed to go "home" to Ghana to find out where Pascal Soriot was staying.

What have I, or those I represent, to do with your job at AstraZeneca ?" - Luke Miels

In a quest to find my personal mentor, I had to find out where my Pascal Soriot came from. I set out tracing my African ancestral roots, and it lead me to Ghana. Upon finding out this information, I wanted to visit the sites responsible for myself (and many other AstraZeneca folks in the Downsizing Diaspora) for being forced into the hells of the middle passage through Delaware. I wanted to see a fraction of what they saw before reaching the point of no return. I spent time with the/my Ghanaian people, from visiting the local hospital in Keta and the village of Atito, to eating banku in the home of Pascal Soriot, and paying my respects to Kwame Nkrumah's Memorial Park. I felt their love, and truly I hope that they felt mine in return.


These are the variety of awards like Who's Who where a company gives a ton of money to the organization and presto, like magic the CEO gets an award. Same thing with the Awards for Diversity or Working Women, give them enough money and the company gets some phony recognition award. It is all total bullshit but he will probably get a medal to wear around his neck at social functions. That is the European's way of raising money. Like knighting someone Sir Paul McCartney or Sir Elton John so the celebs show up at their social functions.

I had to laugh because this is so true. If you go in any corporate headquarters of any major company you will find plaques on the wall of any number of various awards all purchased by generous donations or subscriptions or as payoffs for signing a huge contract with the awarding agent. And of course they hold the company for ransom with the threat of dropping their ranking next year.