Major Audits

Has anyone heard of managers getting audited? Lunch and learns are being investigated! Auditors are going to offices and verifying lunches occurred!
Be very careful

HQ source here. This is true and has been going on for months. They are looking at expenses for meals for both reps and managers. Anyone whose expenses exceed the median is priority target #1. Some heads are going to roll. I guess it beats offering severance packages to high salaried people.

HQ source here. This is true and has been going on for months. They are looking at expenses for meals for both reps and managers. Anyone whose expenses exceed the median is priority target #1. Some heads are going to roll. I guess it beats offering severance packages to high salaried people.
Median? The $10/head for sunshine? Or The $25/person at lunch?

I've been ordering extras of everything and taking home in cooler after lunches 3-4 days/ week to feed my family of 5 dinner each night. Think I might have to start buying groceries and cooking... bummer!

I've been ordering extras of everything and taking home in cooler after lunches 3-4 days/ week to feed my family of 5 dinner each night. Think I might have to start buying groceries and cooking... bummer!
You sir have just put a target on your back. Easy for me in HQ to single out all the reps with 5 off-spring and nail your a$$!

What BS! I have been having restaurants add $10 to $15 gift certificates to my lunch bills for years, and will never get caught! Their auditors must be dumb asses!

You're doing what the receptionists have been doing for about 10 years.

When the auditors come along and find out that the receptionist signed the MD's name(s), tell me, who's going to get sued?

No one. The reps are going to get fired big time for other reasons, but AZ needs a false excuse. Az will clain that they didn't know that the doctors don't come to the L&L's so the rep and the manager both get canned w/o severance, for making truthful statements.

What BS! I have been having restaurants add $10 to $15 gift certificates to my lunch bills for years, and will never get caught! Their auditors must be dumb asses!

This has been common practice longer than our tradition of the ALL DAY LIE. Through the years, there is no telling how many padded bills AZ reps have added to lunches! It's just normal operating procedure to steal from AZ, and not just by adding gift certificates to lunches either. It adds up fast when you think about how much was "a little extra here and there".

This has been common practice longer than our tradition of the ALL DAY LIE. Through the years, there is no telling how many padded bills AZ reps have added to lunches! It's just normal operating procedure to steal from AZ, and not just by adding gift certificates to lunches either. It adds up fast when you think about how much was "a little extra here and there".

Indeed, AZ has found some substantial evidence of embezzlement and falsification of legal documents over the years. You are never told the real reason that people suddenly are terminated but it is often forging signatures, lying about calls that were never made, and falsifying expenses. And little amounts add up sometimes to a felony level. But normally AZ will not prosecute because the damage has already been done and they simply want to be rid of the criminal employee. But they have prosecuted and retrieved large sums from some of the biggest offenders. The conduct random audits and will fire a few to show that they do not tolerate this kind of illegal behavior. It looks good on their books.

I am not worried in the least about AZ catching me. I constantly lie about calls, and I bet 99.99% of the sales force does as well. I have NEVER falsified a sample sig, and never will. As far as padding lunch bills, I never overdo it, but I am sure I passed felony level years ago. AZ is run by morons, with Pasal leading the way. What a shit show!

Why would anyone with half a brain endanger their livelihood? Is that gift certificate worth losing your job and the humiliation of getting fired? There are loads of decent reps let go recently that would be happy to do your job....and obviously better. You make me sick. :mad: