Main Lobby Sofa Staining!

Was passing thru Lobby yesterday and saw Don Keeballs adding to the sofa art. Don Keeballs is a high volume guy and really contributed a great deal to the Sofa Staining. In fact Hu GeDick was even quite impressed with the OutCum

I can not believe you are still around. Do you still work at B+L? Your eternal fixation with sofa stains is epic. I think B+L removed all of the sofa's after the last acquisition by Valeant as to many people were lounging and being unproductive.

The sofa has a lot of history. I and the sofa are heading to NJ.

Don Keeballs and Dicken Cider will be the nominees to join the Allergan board at the shareholder meeting in December.

The first item for the new board to consider will be to hold all future meetings on the sofa in the main lobby.

Wow, somebody went back like 4 years of posts to find this.

doesn’t apply anymore. We’re in a completely different building, completely different lobby, and the lobby doesn’t even have a couch.