

Does anyone have a definitive answer to when Lyrica goes generic?

Won’t matter. Pfizer will bribe the generic companies to hold off for a year to keep generic off the market and once it is on market, another bribe to keep price up.
Either way, we’re toast. Move on or interview for a position in another division.
Heard Biosims is hiring.

Lyrica goes generic December 2018. Promotion normally stops the summer before. Layoff notices around September. Reorg of whats left of the sales force starts January 2019. We have been thru this COUNTLESS times - no mystery. There are no replacement products. Chantix and Flector are not enough. Openings in other divisions will be put on hold to accommodate as many affected as possible. Seriously take a position now in another division or grab a spot at another company before there's tons of people looking. You could try to time it - take the package and have a new job lined up - but risky. Good luck and god bless.

Lyrica goes generic December 2018. Promotion normally stops the summer before. Layoff notices around September. Reorg of whats left of the sales force starts January 2019. We have been thru this COUNTLESS times - no mystery. There are no replacement products. Chantix and Flector are not enough. Openings in other divisions will be put on hold to accommodate as many affected as possible. Seriously take a position now in another division or grab a spot at another company before there's tons of people looking. You could try to time it - take the package and have a new job lined up - but risky. Good luck and god bless.
true, and I don't think Eucrisa will ever be able to replace the lost revenue of Lyrica. Start looking!

But but but we have Lyrica CR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sick and tired of being sold on how this cluster is the place to be, yet can't get a straight answer on WTF SHRs are going to be doing for the 12-18 months between Lyrica LOE and TNZMB launch (and that is BEST case scenario...). Sure they could buy something to keep us busy, but when was the last product launch that really took off in the first 12-24 months? Everything starts off so effing slow now, that you really need to launch a year or two before your LOE of your outgoing product if you have any hope of replacing a decent share of that revenue.

And try as hard as you want to find another gig within PFE, but if you're competing internally and you don't have a shelf full of awards you are probably not getting the job. It is looking more and more like I'll have to see where the wind takes me when the next RIF hits C1. At this point, I'm fine with the buyout, even if it is much smaller than it used to be. I've had a good run, but the past few years haven't been enjoyable. And I used to really love my job. Sure, it could be worse, and lord knows there are harder jobs with shittier pay, but the fun here all seems to be in the rearview mirror. Good luck to all...

But but but we have Lyrica CR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sick and tired of being sold on how this cluster is the place to be, yet can't get a straight answer on WTF SHRs are going to be doing for the 12-18 months between Lyrica LOE and TNZMB launch (and that is BEST case scenario...). Sure they could buy something to keep us busy, but when was the last product launch that really took off in the first 12-24 months? Everything starts off so effing slow now, that you really need to launch a year or two before your LOE of your outgoing product if you have any hope of replacing a decent share of that revenue.

And try as hard as you want to find another gig within PFE, but if you're competing internally and you don't have a shelf full of awards you are probably not getting the job. It is looking more and more like I'll have to see where the wind takes me when the next RIF hits C1. At this point, I'm fine with the buyout, even if it is much smaller than it used to be. I've had a good run, but the past few years haven't been enjoyable. And I used to really love my job. Sure, it could be worse, and lord knows there are harder jobs with shittier pay, but the fun here all seems to be in the rearview mirror. Good luck to all...
12-18 is definitely best case scenario-it's probably a lot longer than that. And yes, there is no more fun in C1.

That's even if it gets approved - its been a rocky road. They have to give us some hope otherwise nobody would be pushing Lyrica at the end. We have seen this "dont worry before" before - history shows it usually does not end well.

That's even if it gets approved - its been a rocky road. They have to give us some hope otherwise nobody would be pushing Lyrica at the end. We have seen this "dont worry before" before - history shows it usually does not end well.

Even if it is approved, who’s going to pay the price when generic will be half?
Pfizer always has the head up their ass.
God, I hate this freaking place

That's even if it gets approved - its been a rocky road. They have to give us some hope otherwise nobody would be pushing Lyrica at the end. We have seen this "dont worry before" before - history shows it usually does not end well.

Hope my ass. I’m getting the hell out of this shitshow as fast as I can.